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05-01-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-01-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 1, 1990 PAGE 8 <br />Councilman Hunt pointed out the Council has heard 7 out of the 12 <br />affected households that they do not want this street improvement this <br />summer and request delay of the project for a year. The City should <br />get more information from VBWD on the water project. <br />Councilman Graves asked the City Engineer what the consequences would <br />be to postpone the street improvement project until 1991? Bohrer <br />answered it would be more expensive, an increase of 5 to 7%, because a <br />road deterioration accelerates with age. The street is reasonably <br />smooth and safe. Graves suggested waiting until construction in <br />Packard Park is done and the VBWD has developed their plan. <br />Larry Bohrer indicated the road construction would be done in Packard <br />Park, but home construction is based, on economics. Trucks would use <br />the new access. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong felt the street was driveable for another year. <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to not proceed with street improvement for <br />Legion Avenue, 20th Street to legion Lane (N.Jct.), as being proposed <br />by the City Engineer, but that we continue with normal street <br />maintenance. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. PUBLIC HEARING: Lampert Avenue, 32nd Steet to 33rd Street <br />Bituminous Overlay <br />Mayor Dunn opened up the Public Hearing at 9:35 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. The public hearing notice was published in the St. <br />Croix Valley Press on April 18 and April 25, 1990. All benefitting <br />property owners were notified. <br />City Engineer Larry Bohrer explained the proposed improvement and <br />proposed assessment role and rate for Lampert Avenue, 32nd Street to <br />33rd Steet. (See L. Bohrer's Feasibility Report) <br />Proposed Improvements: <br />It was recommended that the areas of broken pavement be cut out and <br />patched with a 4" thick bituminous patch. A 2" thick bituminous <br />overlay should be constructed over the entire surface to strengthen <br />the road, level the settled areas and seal off the cracks. Topsoil <br />would be placed along the edges of the overlay to match the boulevards <br />and gravel would be added to the gravel driveways as necessary. The <br />improvements should be done in July or the beginning part of August. <br />Assessments: <br />It was proposed that the entire cost of the project be assessed to <br />benefitting property. Benefitting property is every parcel which <br />abuts the street or gains primary access from the street. Corner lots <br />which were recently assessed for street improvements on one side will <br />receive a one-half assessment on Lampert Avenue. The method of <br />assessment is proposed to be the Unit Method. <br />Proposed Assessment Rate = $10,475.00/12 Units <br />_ $873/Unit <br />
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