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05-15-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-15-90 CCM
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EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT <br />This Employment Agreement made <br />kN\p,j , 1990 between the City of <br />refereed to as the "City") and Mary <br />referred to as the "Administrator"). <br />WITNESS: <br />this ,5 day of <br />Lake Elmo (hereinafter <br />L. Kueffner (hereinafter <br />Whereas, the City has engaged the services of the <br />Administrator for the purpose of assisting the City Council in <br />carrying out the administrative functions of the City and advise <br />the Council in matters of general administrative policies <br />consistent with the provisions of Chapter 412.151 of the Minnesota <br />Statutes and applicable City Ordinances, and in consideration of <br />this, the following terms and conditions are hereby approved: <br />I. TERM City and Administrator both acknowledge that the <br />Administrator is employed for an indefinite term. Administrator <br />agrees to remain the the exclusive employ of the City until either <br />party elects to terminate Administrator's Employment. <br />-. Administrator's employment may be terminated by the City <br />Council at any time. The Administrator may demand written reasons <br />or charges and a hearing before the City Council prior to the date <br />said removal is to take effect pursuant to the provisions of Minn. <br />Stat. Chapter 412.641. Pending such a hearing, the Council may <br />suspend the Administrator from office with pay. <br />If either party wishes to terminate this Agreement, it may do <br />so upon 30 days written notice. Termination of the Administrator <br />by the City Council, whut-krazishall result in severance <br />�o-1-es- -t� n 180 clays agg-reg-ate-s-a3-ar-y. pFN of A M) MOM OP 30 hAVSd � <br />°04Ip�se��`p� ngP,.''����7�P5 ����,o�emac,oamen�4 �to � rn�x,mvm TUrRt S���ren�p.� <br />Except as' provide hereinafter ,,nothing in this Agreement <br />shall prevent, limit or interfere with the right of the City <br />Council to terminate the services of the Administrator at anytime <br />or to interfere with the right of the Administrator to resign at <br />any time from her position with the City. <br />II. COMPENSATION <br />A. Salary. The City agrees to pay the Administrator an <br />annual salary of $ 3q,j)60 per year as of 1-1_91 and <br />thereafter, at such rate as may from time to time be fixed by the <br />City Council. It is understood that the Administrator's salary <br />will be reviewed annually and she will be given a performance <br />appraisal prior to her annual reviews. <br />B. Insurance. The City will pay full cost of hospital and <br />medical insurance for the Administrator and her family. The City <br />will pay and provide the group life insurance benefits, leaves and <br />disabilities together with any additional benefits which are <br />offered all other City personnel. <br />C. Vacation. The Administrator shall continue to accrue and <br />be entitled to vacation benefits pursuant to the City's personnel <br />ordinance, and based on her original date of employment with the <br />City; September 26, 1983. <br />
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