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05-15-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-15-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 15, 1990 PAGE 4 <br />Jack Hasley, lives on his Dad's property, asked why can't this money <br />come out of the General Fund? The City could have larger taxes and <br />pay for these improvements out of this tax levy. He questioned his <br />direct benefit from Layton Avenue. <br />Councilman Williams asked if the engineer's figures included the costs <br />of obtaining easements. Bohrer: yes, but they would have to be <br />appraised. <br />Councilman Hunt asked if we could not use MSA Funds and create a <br />non -urban road? Bohrer: Yes, the rule is tied for funding. Hunt: If <br />we were to change this road from a collector street to one level less, <br />would that change the MSA requirements? Bohrer: No, it has to be a <br />collector street before you can designate it as a Municipal State Aid <br />street. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong asked what happens to Reid Park when water is <br />diverted. Will there be additional water going into Reid Park? What <br />is the effect on Downs Lake? Bohrer: The water actually bypasses <br />Reid Park and ends up in Downs Lake. There would be no measurable <br />affect on Downs Lake. All the water is going there now. It is just <br />causing damage along the way. <br />Councilman Graves asked why were these improvements assessed on a <br />front foot basis because other street improvement projects have been <br />assessed on a per lot basis. Bohrer: This is a mix of land use --open <br />space to residences to commercial to industrial. This is the first <br />urban type street improvement in the City. He felt it was appropriate <br />for everyone to pay for what their portion of construction costs <br />really are, which is reflected in the amount of frontage owned. <br />Acting Mayor Williams closed the Public Hearing at 8:20 p.m. <br />The Council had,no objections to the assessment method, but requested <br />time to review the information submitted by the City Engineer on the <br />improvements of 33rd Street and the Old Village Drainage Improvements. <br />Larry Bohrer will explore the option of running the storm sewer pipe <br />along the railroad tracks. <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to postpone further consideration of improvements <br />until the June 5th City Council meeting. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING: Interim Ordinance to regulate the use of <br />water on Lake Elmo during the Olympic Festival. <br />Acting Mayor Williams opened up the Public Hearing at 8:30 p.m. <br />At a previous meeting, the Council adopted a resolution that <br />authorized controlled use of Lake Elmo during certain hours of the <br />Olympic Festival. The DNR has requested this be done through an <br />ordinance. Therefore, a public hearing was called to consider an <br />interim Ordinance regulating the use of water on Lake Elmo during the <br />Olympic Festival. <br />
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