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05-15-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-15-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 15, 1990 PAGE 5 <br />In regard to a property owner's comment for consideration be given <br />non -motorized watercraft, Administrator Kueffner contacted the Olympic <br />Committee who stated they had every intention for lake residents to <br />use the water. <br />Don Durand, 2901 Lake Elmo Avenue, stated his residence on Lake Elmo <br />received a public hearing notice, but his business, Pierre's Pier <br />didn't receive a notice. He requested notices be sent there. He also <br />informed the Council he has not received a letter from the Olympic <br />Committee in regard to reimbursement for closing of his business for <br />ten days. Durand voiced his concern on proper enforcement of this <br />ordinance because, based on the last lake event, there was a <br />noticeable lack of enforcement. <br />Mrs. McLeod, 2543 Lake Elmo Avenue, voiced her concern on regulating <br />parking, picnicing, swimming and tossing cans onto private property <br />along the lake. <br />Acting Mayor Williams closed the Public Hearing at 8:45 p.m. <br />On a separate issue, Don Durand volunteered to Chair a Lake Committee <br />to look into the possibility of controlling the size and speed of <br />boats on the lake. Since the Regional Park has opened, he indicated he <br />has found the boats to be too large or travelling too fast for the <br />size of the lake. <br />The Council. amended Items F, G, H, I. in the Ordinance to include "no <br />boat traffic will be allowed on Lake Elmo with the exception of <br />non -motorized boats from adjacent private property and all such boats <br />must remain motionless during the competition." <br />The Council asked the City Administrator to contact the Olympic <br />Festival Committee about Don Durand's special request for <br />reimbursement for loss of business from Pierre's Pier. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Graves - to adopt Ordinance 8030, as amended, as an interim <br />ordinance to control and regulate the use of the waters of Lake Elmo <br />in the City of Lake Elmo during certain hours and certain days for the <br />duration of the U.S. Olympic Festival. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. PUBLIC HEARING: Joseph Kiesling, 9359 Jane Road N. <br />Shoreland Permit & Variance <br />Acting Mayor Williams opened up the public hearing at 8:55 p.m. <br />Mr. Joe Kiesling, 9359 Jane Road N., has requested a variance to the <br />100 feet setback from the Ordinary High Water Mark for the purpose of <br />constructing a walkway and deck to an existing structure. <br />Mr. Kiesling submitted the following: <br />(1) A letter from Karen Chandler, Barr Eng., stating prior to the <br />raising of his home in 1988, which required the placement of fill, his <br />home was within the 100-year flood plain. The low floor elevation of <br />the home was Elevation 924.3 feet. As a result of the raising and <br />
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