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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 5, 1990 PAGE 5 <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to adopt Ordinance No. 8031 granting Northern <br />States Power Co, permission to construct, operate, repair, and <br />maintain in the City of Lake Elmo, an electric distribution system and <br />transmission lines, including necessary poles, pole lines, fixtures <br />and appurtenances, for the furnishing of electric energy to the City <br />and its inhabitants and others, and to use the public ways and public <br />grounds of said city for such purposes. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to adopt Ordinance No. 8032 granting Northern <br />States Power Company, permission to erect a gas distribution system <br />for tge purpose of installing, enlarging, operating, repairing and <br />maintaining in the City of Lake Elmo the necessary gas pipes, mains <br />and appurtenances for the tansmission or distribution of gas to said <br />city and its inhabitants and others and transmitting gas into and <br />through said city, and to use the public ways and public grounds of <br />said city for such purposes. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. PCA Response <br />The City did not receive a response to the request for reconsideration <br />of the 201 Grant Funds that were denied from the MPCA. <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor Dunn reported the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Lake Elmo <br />Bank is scheduled for June llth at 8:30 a.m. The City will send a <br />plant recognizing the grand opening of the new bank. <br />Washington County will hold a meeting on June 6th with residents who <br />received letters regarding lead levels in their water. All members of <br />the Council are welcome to attend. <br />Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing Notice: <br />The Public Hearing notice on the Comp Plan and Future Land Use Map, <br />scheduled for June llth, was sent out today to all mailing addresses <br />within the City. <br />July 3rd City <br />it Council meeting: <br />M S P Hunt Armstrong - to cancel the July 3rd City Council meeting. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Copier <br />The staff was able to try out several copier machines on a trial basis <br />and obtained quotes on these machines. The lowest price machine, (GSA <br />pricing $11,600), with the best performance was the Sharp SF-9800. <br />The staff will advertise for bids for our existing machine. ($10,000 <br />has been budgeted and City expects at least $1500 for the existing <br />machine.) <br />