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06-05-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-05-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 5, 1990 PAGE 4 <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, reported he has investigated other routes <br />along the tracks or within the railroad right-of-way and have not <br />found any that are feasible. From the feasibility study and <br />subsequent investigation, Bohrer ponted out: (1) the drainage <br />improvements cannot be done without the street improvement because the <br />financing plan relies on MSA funds paying about 67% of the total <br />costs; and (2) the City will have to deal with Mr. Schiltgen <br />regardless of which storm sewer option is chosen. The City has two <br />options: do nothing or order the improvement as proposed. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong visited the site. She suggested creating a pond <br />in Lions Park or the VFW Park in order to alleviate some water <br />problems rather than taking farm land from Mr. Schiltgen. <br />Elmer Dittmann,3624 Layton Avenue N., explained the water use to <br />travel through the VFW Field and felt the culvert under Hwy 5 is the <br />bottleneck. He asked how did the Natural Gas building get approval to <br />be built which he felt was in the waterway. "When Mr. Schiltgen <br />started selling sod (approx. 1973)", Dittmann stated, "he changed the <br />waterway by levelling the land off because there was too much water <br />and he had to move his machine." Dittmann added, you can follow the <br />crops and where the waterway is, there are no crops growing. Bohrer <br />responded he cannot find any record of an established waterway on Mr. <br />Schiltgens's property. <br />Ed Gorman, White Hat Restaurant, stated he would not be a willing <br />seller of any land easement. Gorman indicated the city caused a <br />problem here with the placement of an inadequately designed 201 <br />system. <br />The Council asked the City Administrator to co-ordinate a date for a <br />meeting, between Council members Armstrong and Hunt, Mr. Schiltgen and <br />Larry Bohrer to discuss the drainage easement problem. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Hunt - to direct the City Administrator to co-ordinate <br />a meeting between Council Members Hunt and Armstrong, Pete Schiltgen, <br />and Larry Bohrer to discuss a drainage easement agreement and continue <br />this discussion at the June 19th Council meeting. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />B. N.S.P. Franchise <br />David Schwartz, NSP representative, submitted draft ordinances for <br />Council approval. Larry Bohrer has reviewed these ordinances and <br />pointed out this short form agreement did not address the relocation <br />provision, but has not seen any change of NSP operations without this <br />provison in the agreeemnt. <br />
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