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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 17, 1990 PAGE 10 <br />Councilman Hunt who is on the Capital Improvement Committee, <br />suggested this Committee look at the request and the entire Fire <br />Dept.'s Improvement Program. Councilman Hunt will arrange the meeting <br />between the CIP Committee and Fire Chief Sachs. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Hunt - to direct the Capital Improvement Committee to <br />meet with the Fire Chief to review this request and the entire CIP for <br />the Fire Department. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />E. Employee Evaluation <br />Mike Buckles started in May of 1989 as a permanent part-time <br />maintenance worker and should have had a performance review after six <br />months of employment, but this was not done. The Council received a <br />copy of a performance evaluation on Mike Buckles done by Dan Olinger, <br />Mike's direct supervisor. <br />The City Administrator recommended that Mike Buckles' pay rate be <br />increased to $9.00 per hour, with one-half of the difference from what <br />he is making now ($6.24 per hour) and the new proposed rate ($9.00 per <br />hour) be retroactive to January 1, 1990 and the new rate be effective <br />August 1, 1990. It was recommended that Mike's vacation and sick <br />leave be calculated from that date of his employment. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Hunt - to approve Mike Buckles' pay rate be increased <br />to $9.00 per hour, with one-half of the difference from what he is <br />making now ($6.24 per hour) and the new proposed rate ($9.00 per hour) <br />be retroactive to January 1, 1990, and the new rate be effective <br />August 1, 1990 with vacation and sick leave being calculated from the <br />date of his employment. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />F. Lake Elmo Airport Expansion - Update <br />Mark Ryan of the Metropolitan Airport Commission will give an update <br />on the Lake Elmo Airport at 7:30, August 7th Council meeting. Mr. <br />Ryan is in the process of preparing a press release to go to all local <br />newspapers outlining their objectives. <br />G. Ordinance Repealing Sprinklers <br />The staff was directed to prepare an ordinance which would repeal the <br />sprinkler requirement that was adopted. The Council reviewed a copy <br />of the ordinance and recommended adoption. This will become effective <br />upon its passage and publication. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Hunt - to adopt Ordinance 8034 amending Section 500 <br />BUILDING CODE of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code and to direct the staff <br />to publish this ordinance in the City's legal newspaper as soon as <br />possible. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />H. Solid Waste Advisory Committee <br />At their July 11th meeting, the Solid Waste Committee decided to <br />proceed with the "Adopt -a -Highway" program and adopt Highway 5 from <br />Manning Avenue to two miles west. The Committee asked the Council's <br />