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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 17, 1990 PAGE 3 <br />estimated construction cost of this project is between $28,000 and <br />$35,000 depending on whether the shoulders are paved. Since this cost <br />is less than the total amount available in the 1990 MSA Allotment, the <br />remainder should be transferred into the appropriate City general <br />maintenance account and seal coat account to pay for general <br />maintenance and seal coating on MSA streets. An equal amount of <br />general and seal coat funds should then be transferred out of the City <br />accounts and into the 33rd Street and Laverne Avenue project account <br />for the 1991 project. <br />Bohrer indicated the reason he brought this matter before the Council. <br />was that for all other MSA overlay projects, some amount has been <br />assessed. If the City paid for the construction from MSA funds, but <br />assesed for the engineering and administrative costs, the assessment <br />rate would be around $2.00 per parcel. Based on past practice of the <br />City assessing for all other MSA overlay projects, the Council agreed <br />to an assessment rate around $200 per parcel. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to approve Resolution No. 90-23, A Resolution <br />calling Public Hearing for August 7, 1990 for an overlay to be <br />constructed on 31st Streetfrom Stillwater Boulevard (CSAH 6) to T.H.5. <br />(Motion carried 3-0). <br />B. Resolution Implementing 1990 201 Users Fees <br />The City approved the 201 Users Rate Increase and a resolution <br />implementing that increase was before the Council for their <br />consideration. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Hunt -- to adopt Resolution No. 90-24 adopting the 1990 <br />Rate Structure for 201 Systems in the City of. Lake Elmo. (Motion <br />carried 3-0). <br />C. Traffic Concern on County Road 17 <br />Dick Acres, 2986 Lake Elmo, brought in his concern on excessive speed <br />on County Road 17 (Lake Elmo Avenue) just south of 20th Street up thru <br />the Old Village to Highway 5. (See attachment, Dick Acree's comments) <br />The Council discussed the concern with Deputy, Jesse Kurtz and. City <br />Engineer, Larry Bohrer. The Council suggested looking at: <br />1. Reducing the speed limit to 30 mph in this area. <br />2. Placement of stop signs at several strategic locations. <br />3. The possibility of constructing "speed monitored by radar" <br />signs. <br />The City Administrator will write a letter to Larry Bousquet, Wash. <br />Cty Traffic Eng, for his input on the Council's (3) suggestions. <br />In reference to Mr. Acree's comment that two officers of the Sheriff's <br />Dept, attested to traffic was allowed to travel at 39 mph or less in a <br />30 mph zone 'without receiving a citation, Deputy Kurtz responded that <br />it seemed comments were taken out of content, that they have run radar <br />on County Road 17 and found speeding not that bad of a problem. Kurtz <br />