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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 17, 1990 PAGE 4 <br />indicated County Road 17 is a popular road, but the Deputies were not <br />dealing with this street any differently than any other street in the <br />City. <br />Attorney, Carl Blondin addressed the following comments written by Mr. <br />Acree. (1.) it is too expensive to prosecute citations at the lower <br />level. Blondin: there is a flat fee per month. (2.) the judges throw <br />the citations out of court. Blondin: this is not true. (3) the City <br />does not pursue this enforcement because it would have to send a <br />prosecuting attorney to each court appearance. Blondin:It is a flat <br />fee and he would be there. He looses one out of every 200-300 cases. <br />D. Traffic Concern on 33rd Street <br />The Council received a petition from Mark Jechort, 11035 33rd St. N., <br />with signatures of other residents in the area regarding the traffic <br />conditions on 33rd Street. Mr. Jechort indicated 33rd street was <br />narrow and with no curbs for the many walkers and bikers. He also <br />noted the increase in traffic since the County put up the <br />signs to the Park Reserve. <br />The City Engineer was hesitant to place any stop signs on the street <br />until we can monitor the area after the speed signs are put up along <br />with the "Children Playing" signs. If- these signs do not change the <br />speeding conditions on the street, the Council recommended he bring <br />this back to the Council to consider further action. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Hunt - to direct the City to erect a 30 mph sign on <br />h, 33rd Street, "Children Playing" signs, and consider moving the <br />directional signs to the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. If these signs do <br />not change the speeding conditions of the street, Mr. Jechort should <br />come back to the Council for consideration for further action. <br />(Motion carried 3-0). <br />10. PLANNING/LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance for lot size to create Agricultural <br />Zoning District. Applicant: Ray Salus, 404 Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />Ray Salus is requesting a variance to lot size so he can have his land <br />rezoned to Agricultural and proceed with his golf driving range. <br />Mayor Dunn opened up the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. in the Council <br />chambers. The Public Hearing notice was published, July 5, 1.990, in <br />the St. Croix Valley Press. <br />Florence Bradley, 520 Lake Elmo Avenue, voiced her disapproval of the <br />City granting a variance to the lot size for Ag Zoning based on: <br />(1) A golf driving range would be detrimental to house <br />market value. <br />(2) There is a higher tax base with Rural Residential. <br />(3) This would set the stage for a one -mile corridor for <br />commercial development. <br />