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07-17-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-17-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES J'ULY 17, 1990 PAGE 6 <br />Mayor Dunn; Do you understand why the DNR has a concern on the <br />encroachment of the walkway on the Lake? Kiesling: Part of it I <br />don't understand. There was an existing deck on the original house <br />and the way the permits were issued to me, I was able to reconstruct <br />the house without further encroachments. The proposed walkway and <br />stairway would not go any further than what it was originally. I was <br />permitted to reconstruct the house as it was. I am not changing the <br />point of going any closer to the lake than it was before. The DNR has <br />approved the deck to the southside of the house, and a walkway needed <br />to have access to the lake out of the house from the second floor. <br />Mayor Dunn: Do you perceive any other requests for variances on this <br />dwelling? Kiesling: No, I cannot see any variance requests. This is <br />the first variance request I have applied for other than when I <br />requested moving the garage to the other site. <br />Mayor Diann: At the last meeting you stated you could live with a 4' <br />walkway instead of a 6' walkway. Kiesling: My original request was <br />for a 6' walkway. When I was asked at the last meeting what minimum <br />size of walkway I could live with, I stated I could go to a 4' <br />walkway. I would chose not to because of my footings. With a 6' <br />walkway, I wouldn't have to bore through my concrete that is already <br />existing because it doesn't patch well. I could get in my footings <br />and still stay above the ordinary high water mark and not come out to <br />the farthest point than the original deck. <br />Mayor Dunn: Mr. Kiesling has a concrete patio under the proposed <br />walkway which was allowed by the DNR. The proposed 4' walkway would <br />not go out any further towards the lake than the existing concrete <br />patio. The original Keane house had a deck attached. The proposed, <br />walkway would not increase the non -conformity that existed prior to <br />Mr. Kiesling owning the home. I look at a walkway as an exit for <br />safety reasons and have no problem with it as long as all. the permits <br />have gone through the DNR and City office. <br />Councilman Hunt: (Referred to the letter from the DNR, dated July 15, <br />1988, which states in Permit 88-086, to place fill and raise existing <br />structure above the 100 year flood elevation.) At that time no <br />demolition work had occurred on the house. It was as the Keanes had <br />left it. I cannot see where it dictates that the existing deck was <br />different from the structure. The DNR has allowed Mr. Kiesling to <br />have the concrete patio. The DNR has stated that no deck would be <br />allowed., but I cannot see in any of the documentation from them or in <br />the permit where it pulls apart the existing deck from the structure <br />of the first constructor. We have approved variances to the OHWM when <br />the encroachment was no greater. We did allow Mr. Kiesling to bring <br />in fill and reconture the shoreline. The hardship is the potential of <br />safety and feels it is appropriate to have two exits on the main level <br />in terms of water and fare safety. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong: The new garage and lateral expansions, the <br />walkway and deck, to the existing structure were not part of the <br />review made by the City when the Keanes obtained the variance to raise <br />
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