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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 23, 1990 PAGE 2 <br />5. A berm shall be constructed to block the view of the <br />cars and tee positions from residential property across <br />County Road 17; <br />6. An office 45' x 30', one-story, is permitted; <br />7. Parking for a maximum of 35 cars is permitted; <br />8. Maximum hours of operation are 7 a.m. to Sunset; <br />9. Two rows of shrubs shall be planted in conifers with <br />8' x 8' spacing on the north, south, east sides <br />of the range. Dead trees shall be replaced and trees <br />shall attain an average height of at least 24" <br />in 5 years; <br />10. The entrance driveway will be, in accordance with the <br />recommendation and direction of Washington County; <br />11. A public address system will not be allowed; <br />1.2. No liquor license will be permitted. <br />3. Shoreland Permit: Gary Kimlinger, 9461 Jane Road N. <br />Gary Kimlinger of 9461 Jane Road N. has requested a shoreland permit <br />to construct a boathouse on his property. Building Official, Jim <br />McNamara, reported, due to a emergency situation at Mr. Kimlinger's <br />home (the lower level completely flooded due to a broken water line <br />from his well), he is in need of a temporary storage area to store all <br />the furniture and personal belongings affected by the flooding <br />conditions. Molly Shodeen of the DNR has approved the request for a <br />20' x 12' boathouse to be used temporarily as a storage area because <br />of the situation and the proposal does meet all requirements. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Hunt - to approve granting a Shoreland permit based on <br />DNR approval to Gary Kimlinger, 9461 Jane Road N., to construct a 20' <br />x 12' boathouse to be used temporarily as a storage area due to the <br />emergency situation. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Graves - to adjourn the Special City Council meeting at <br />2:15 p.m. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />------------------- <br />Ordinance 8037: Granting Raymond and Jane Salus, 404 Lake Elmo Avenue, <br />a rezoning from Rural Residential to Agricultural Zoning. <br />RESOLUTION 90-25: Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Raymond and <br />Jane Salus, Country Air Golf Driving Range, for commercial recreation <br />of a rural nature in the AG Zoning Dist. <br />