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DATE APPROVED: 9/4/90 <br />DATE ISSUED: 9/21/90 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />AUGUST 21, 1990 <br />Mayor Dunn called the City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in <br />the Council chambers. Present: Dunn, Hunt, Williams, Graves, <br />Armstrong, and Administrator Kueffner. <br />1. AGENDA <br />M/S/P Graves/Williams - to approve the August 21, 1990 City Council <br />agenda as presented. (Motion carried 5--0). <br />2. MINUTES: July 23, 1990 <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to approve the July 23, 1.990 City Council minutes <br />as presented. (Motion carried 4-0-1 Abstain: Williams). <br />MINUTES: August 7, 1990 <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to approve the August 7, 1990 City Council minutes <br />as amended. (Motion carried 4--0-1 Abstain: Armstrong) <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to approve the August 21, 1990 Claims #93672 <br />thru #93719 as presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />4. REAPP REPORT <br />Todd Williams reported REAPP has approached the Council. with their <br />need for additional funds ($50,000 minimum, but desire $100,000) to <br />fund a professionally guided public information campaign to oppose the <br />proposed landfill in the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. Despite of their <br />best efforts, they have learned they have not reached the public the <br />way they intended to. REAPP feels the decision to site a landfill in <br />the Park is a political decision and they need to try harder to <br />influence that decision by rousing public support. This is done by <br />demonstrations, sending out information to the public, and asking <br />people to write their County Board Commissioners and legislators. <br />Williams made an appeal to anyone in Lake Elmo who has public <br />relations experience and who would volunteer to help direct this <br />effort or volunteer to work on the effort, please get in touch with <br />him, Dan Novak?or the City office. <br />Cindy Zeher, new resident at 8890 15th St. N., stated she was <br />uninformed of this landfill proposal. and agreed with REAPP that the <br />community was not aware of the visual and noise impact of a landfill. <br />