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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 21, 1.990 PAGE 2 <br />Kirby and Susan Sampson, 8940 15th St. N., stated the general public <br />they have polled are not award of the issues related to the proposed <br />landfill. An information process is needed to inform the people how <br />this would impact not only Lake Elmo, but all people that use the park <br />facilities. <br />Williams asked for the City Attorney's opinion on the definition of <br />"use" of the current referendum funds. At the same time he would <br />investigate with the Finance Director and Financial Consultants for <br />any money possibilities. Williams volunteered to bring to the next <br />meeting two different possible new referendum questions for Council <br />consideration. With Council permission, he would consult with the City <br />Attorney on proper wording. <br />M/S/P - to authorize Todd Williams to contact the City <br />Attorney for proper wording on two different possible new referendum <br />questions and clarification of "use" of current referendum funds, with <br />all information brought- to the September 4th meeting for Council <br />consideration. At the same time, he would work with the Finance <br />Director and Financial Consultant invesigating financing <br />possibilities. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Mayor Dunn noted the editorial on the landfill in the Stillwater <br />Gazette of. August loth which would arouse the public to become <br />proactive. Mayor Dunn asked about possible grants available for <br />funding this information campaign. The Administrator responded she <br />has looked into possible grants that would cover this and has not been <br />able to find one, but will continue calling State and Federal <br />agencies. <br />5. 1989 Audit Report & Recommendation <br />Rob Tautges of Voto, Tautges, Redpath & Co. <br />Rob Taugtes reported they have completed the 1989 City Audit Report. <br />Tautges reviewed. (5) highlights of the manager's report and their <br />recommendations. A copy of this report is on file in the City. <br />M/S/P Williams/Graves - to accept the 1.989 Audit Report by Voto, <br />Tautges, Redpath & Co. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />When asked by the City Administrator if this motion meant the staff <br />should implement the recommendations on the summary page 39, the <br />following motion was made. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Williams - to request the Finance Director to attend a <br />future meeting and go over the items listed in the summary and update <br />the City Council on what has been accomplished and what should be set <br />as policy. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Finance Director presented a draft resolution Ordering Interfund <br />Audit Adjustments. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Graves - to adopt Resolution 90-30 Ordering Interfund Audit <br />Adjustments. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />