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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 21, 1990 PAGE 5 <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to adopt Resolution 90-29 Authorizing prescribing <br />the form and details and providing the payment of $245,000 General <br />Obligation Capital Notes, Series 1990A to the lowest bidder, FBS <br />Investment Services, Inc. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />9. PLANNING/LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Petition from Residents Concerned with Speed and <br />Traffic Control in Old Village <br />Richard Acres submitted a petition signed by residents in the area <br />requesting the city address traffic hazards on Lake Elmo Avenue N. <br />Mr. Acres also submitted a letter recommending solutions to six road <br />hazards identified on this petition. <br />Captain Green and Deputy Kurtz reported they ran radar on Lake Elmo <br />Avenue at different dates and times. (See Appendix A for traffic <br />survey). Their radar survey did not support the traffic and speeding <br />problem stated in Mr. Acree's letter. Capt. Green indicated this was a <br />short survey, but was reflective of the typical speed limit the <br />citizens travelling in this particular area on Lake Elmo Avenue. The <br />common speed was 31.5 mph. <br />Attorney Carl Blondin stated he had reviewed the letter and petition <br />and offered the following comments: <br />The statutes provide a change of speed zone if conditions on <br />road warrant a lower speed. A request should be made to Commissioner <br />of Transportation to authorize, upon the basis of traffic <br />investigation, erection of appropriate signs designating what speed is <br />reasonable and safe. <br />He was unaware of any judges throwing out speeding cases on a <br />regular basis. If there is such a situation, he would appreciate <br />knowing about it and would inform thr Board of Judicial Conduct. <br />As far as prosecution is concerned, the Deputies patrolling are <br />very well trained, they present good cases, and he prosecutes them. <br />As far as trials are concerned., he has lost 3 in the 6 years of <br />prosecuting. <br />The City Administrator informed the Council that on August 14th the <br />Washington County Board passed a resolution at the request of Larry <br />Bousquet asking MnDOT to do a speed study on Lake Elmo Avenue. This <br />will take up to, and possibly over, 6 months for an answer. <br />Dick Acres noted there were 162 signatures on the petition. (98% of <br />the people they approached signed the petition.) Acres stated these <br />people are concerned and fed up with people exceeding the speed limit <br />or the speed limits as they stand. They encourage the City to write a <br />letter to the Sheriff's Dept. and Judicial Office of Washington County <br />telling them what level of enforcement they are looking for on these <br />streets. In their opinion, a ticket should be given out at 35 mph in <br />a 30 mph zone and a warning ticket from 31 to 34 mph. <br />