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09-18-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-18-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 18, 1990 PAGE 6 <br />Councilman Williams noted he did not hear at the public hearing an <br />outcry for fire protecion, but did hear people asking for houses to be <br />hooked up. The Comp Plan states we are going to be private well and <br />septic system until year 2010 andl'?felt we are now getting away from <br />the intent of providing safe drinking water to the 81 homes in the <br />well advisory area. <br />Councilman Graves commented he was not sure this groundwater <br />contamination is limited to the existing area because they have seen <br />expansion this last year. If in the future the contamination has <br />expanded outside of this area, we would have to replace the pipes with <br />larger capacity to provide safe drinking water. As representatives of <br />the community, Graves felt they have an obligation to take advantage <br />of an opportunity to provide the extra protection that the fire <br />hydrants would give these people. Graves suggested we contact Oakdale <br />about fire protection and hold a public hearing on Alternate No. 2 as <br />described in the Engineers's letter dated September 18, 1990. <br />If there is further contamination beyond the existing area, Councilman <br />Hunt noted the Counties are responsible for cleanup. There were only <br />a few residents at the public hearing that stated they would be in <br />favor of oversizing the pipes for fire protection if the City could <br />pay for it. Our goal is to provide a safe water supply for the <br />residents in the contaminated area, and not get carried away to put a <br />water system for the entire area. He would be willing to hold a <br />public hearing on Alternate No. 2. <br />M/No Second Graves/No Second - to direct the City staffwith the <br />support of the City Engineer to approach Oakdale to increase the <br />service area and fire fighting flow rate as an amendment to the <br />contract and schedule a public hearing to discuss the Alternate No. 2 <br />as stated in Larry Bohrer's .letter. <br />Councilman Williams explained he could not second the motion because <br />he had a philosophical problem in expanding the municipal water system <br />beyond a specific problem area based on the comp plan which states we <br />will not provide city water and sewer to any areas outside the MUSA. <br />The problem with putting in .larger pipes, we are saying we will hook <br />up more people. Williams stated he didn't want to put the City into a <br />position where we have people fighting over who is going to get hooked <br />up to water and felt it would be better to address a specific problem <br />and state that we are not going to allow anybody else to hookup who <br />does not already exist in the well advisory area. The people in the <br />expanded service area are protected by the Counties if pollution is <br />shown coming from the landfill. Williams stated he would be in favor <br />of holding a public hearing, listening to the public if they want fire <br />p(otection, but would not be in favor of oversizing the pipes to hookup <br />additional people. <br />
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