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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 18, 1990 PAGE 7 <br />In response to the question if the pipes were oversized, how many <br />additional homes could be hooked up, Bohrer responded the ultimate <br />system was designed not only for the 81 homes, but for the infilling <br />of approx. 150 homes at full development under the current RED Zoning. <br />With the larger pipe, we could service 300 homes. If we get requests <br />to hook up, we have to evaluate if there is sufficient capacity <br />remaining for these areas that have to be infilled. <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt -- to direct the City staff to draft a proposed <br />amendment to the August lath water agreement with Oakdale to increase <br />the service area and fire fighting flow rate which would amend Exhibit <br />A which references pipe size and add a new paragraph to cover the fire <br />fighting flow rate. This direction is contingent upon Oakdale's <br />willingness to amend this contract and for the City Council to make a <br />decision on this proposed amendment within 60 days. (Mot -ion carried <br />3-0). <br />B. Assessment Hearings for Improvement of 31st Street <br />and Lampert Avenue <br />At their September 4th meeting, the Council set an assessment hearing <br />date for October 2nd for improvements of 31st Street and Lampert <br />Avenue. Bohrer handed out copies of the two public hearing notices <br />that were published and the proposed assessment roster for the Lampert <br />Avenue project. <br />7. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A City Attorney's report was not presented. <br />8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Budget <br />Councilman Williams reported the Council heard from the heads of the <br />Public Works and. Fire Dept. and received the suggested. revisions from <br />the Finance Director and Budget Committee. They asked the CIP Plan <br />and Pay Plan be placed on the October 2nd City Council agenda for <br />review in order for the Finance Director to draft the final. budget for <br />the public hearing. <br />9. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Recommendation to City Council from Personnel Committee on <br />Pay Plan <br />The City Administrator submitted a copy of the pay plan recommended by <br />the Personnel Committee. The Council was asked to review the plan and <br />call the Committee or City Administratovwith their questions. <br />