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4. Replacement wetland shall be completed and approved by the <br />District before alteration of the existing wetland. If this <br />criteria cannot be met, the applicant shall post a performance <br />bond equivalent to at least 150% of the estimated construction <br />cost of the replacement wetland, as determined by the <br />District. Additional bonding will be required based upon t�(80� <br />conditions imposed on the applicant. C5 <br />Subd. 6. Variances o ' y� <br />1'V c�ca��i Gi ey.:l1' <br />Variances shall permit activities only to the minimal extent necessary <br />and shall be issued only upon the showing of hardship. Variances shall be <br />issued only in accordance with detailed plans approved by the District. <br />Wetland delineation and replacement disputes shall be resolved by a <br />panel consisting of, but not limited to, a technical professional employee of <br />the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, a technical professional <br />employee of the Washington or Ramsey Soil and Water Conservation District, <br />and the Valley Branch Watershed District engineer. This panel shall prepare <br />a written recommendation to the Managers of Valley Branch Watershed District. <br />The Managers shall make their decision within 30 days after receipt of the <br />panel's recommendation. <br />Subd. 7. Permit Fees <br />All costs associated with the permitting process, including wetland <br />delineation, shall be borne by the applicant. <br />SECTION X. PERFORMANCE BONDS <br />CHANGE Subd. l and Subd. 2 to read: <br />Subd. 1 To assure compliance with these Rules and Regulations, the <br />Managers may require the posting of a performance bond or <br />other securities where it is shown to be reasonable and <br />necessary under the particular circumstances of any permit <br />application filed with the District. <br />Subd. 2 Where a municipality or other governmental agency includes in <br />its requirements that the applicant furnish a performance bond <br />or other securities, the District may require an additional <br />performance bond from the applicant. <br />RENUMBER the remaining sections. <br />