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LAKE. ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1990 PAGE 10 <br />Councilman Williams asked, "How common is it for commercial property <br />to be devalued? I see no evidence for any comparable property, so on <br />what basis dial the assessor come to the conclusion of the property <br />value to be reduced? What is the value of similarly sewered land in <br />Oakdale and Woodbury? This particular parcel is the only commercial <br />parcel in the entire city that has sewer already there." Williams felt <br />a letter should be sent to the County Assessor and County Board <br />objecting to the assessor's report. If this statement is <br />unchallenged., it will be considered a certified statement. The <br />statement is totally false. <br />Williams discussed this matter with the City Attorney, and he agrees <br />we should act very decisively in writing a letter to the County <br />Assessor insisting this statement be retracted or corrected after <br />proper investigation. <br />M/S/P Williams/Armstrong - to reject the request of David Johnson, <br />O.W.J. Inc., 7500 Hudson Blvd. Property Number 37032-3852 for <br />reduction in valuation of Real Estate and/or refund of taxes paid. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to direct the City staff to write a letter to <br />the County Assessor insisting the report of the County Assessor's <br />investigation be corrected. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. VBWD proposed revisions to Rules & Regulations <br />The Valley Branch Watershed District Board of Managers held a public <br />hearing on their Rules and Regulations. The Council commented on the <br />proposed changes to the District's rules and regulations. Attachment <br />A reflects the changes and additions made by the Council and City <br />Engineer. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to pass a resolution supporting the proposed <br />Rules and Regulations of VBWD including changes the City Council and <br />City Engineer have suggested and commend the VBWD on its forward <br />thinking in this matter. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Budget Update <br />The Eire, Maintenance, Parks, and Administrative CIP's will be sent to <br />the Council for final discussion at their November 8th meeting in <br />preparation for the November 20th Budget Public Hearing. <br />D. Rental Property at 11194 33rd Street <br />The staff sent a letter to Doug Henning on September 26, 1990 <br />demanding payment for rent owed to the City. As of today, we have not <br />heard from Mr. Henning. Mayor Dunn will stop at his place of business <br />to inform him if payment is not made, the City will proceed with legal <br />action to recover our loss and remove him from the building. <br />