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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1990 PAGE 9 <br />--"There is electromechanical equipment available from the City of <br />New Brighton which counts volume and speed of vehicles. This would <br />gave a true answer of how much speeding is done without setting up a <br />visible squad car with one-way radar guns. I asked that you don't rely <br />on the speed survey of Wash. Cty because it is faulty." <br />Administrator Kueffner explained the County has passed a resolution <br />for a speed study, and we are awaiting these results. There are other <br />issues in Mr. Acree's letter that have not been addressed., such as the <br />suggestion of sidewalks. Kueffner stated she did not intend to neglect <br />anything and asked for direction from the Council on how to address <br />these issues. Mayor Dunn indicated the Administrator has done what <br />the Council has directed her to do and has responded adequately. <br />8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Items noted from the Comprehensive Plan: Lee Hunt <br />Because of the meeting running so late, Councilman Hunt withdrew this <br />item from the agenda. <br />Mayor Dunn reported the Lake Elmo Fire Department held a fantastic <br />Open House. Also on October 25th the Met. Council will address <br />Section 8 Housing. <br />9. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Letter from Washington County Auditor --Treasurer's Office <br />regarding property tax reduction request by David. Johnson <br />on building and property in Section 32 <br />The City received a letter from the Washington County <br />Auditor --Treasurer regarding a request for a $10,000 tax abatement by <br />David Johnson, (ConnCo Shoes) Property Number 37032-3852. The City <br />must respond to this within 20 days of the issuance of the letter. <br />The Administrator reported she had talked to Ed Heivin and who wrote <br />and initiated the "Report of County Assessor's Investigation", who <br />stated that the words, "There is a high vacancy rate due to the <br />policies of Lake Elmo won't permit any other usages", were of the <br />applicant and not the conclusion of the assessor. <br />Mayor Dunn indicated she was appalled that any resident or corporation <br />of Lake Elmo would expect the general population to pick up the tab on <br />their taxes. In regard to the statement "the policies of Lake Elmo <br />won't permit any other usages", Mayor Dunn noted there are well over <br />150 allowed uses in the General Business Zoning District. She found it <br />hard to believe there wasn't anything that would be applicable for <br />this property. Dunn opposed the abatement and asked the City <br />Administrator to write a letter to Washington County indicating our <br />opposition. <br />