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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 1.6, 1990 PAGE 5 <br />release of escrow as the work is completed. The only work remaining <br />is some cleanup and erosion repair is around the pond. The remaining <br />escrow is calculated as follows: <br />Original Escrow $155,000 <br />Value of Work Completed-124,000 <br />Remaining Escrow $ 31,000 <br />Bohrer recommended that the escrow be released so that the remaining <br />balance is $31,000. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to reduce the amount of escrow to $31,000 for <br />improvements to Packard Park 3rd Addition based upon the <br />recommendation of the City Engineer in his memo dated October 12, <br />1990. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />E. Partial Payment No. 1. Patch and Overlay to Bituminous <br />Consulting & Contracting, Inc. <br />Larry Bohrer reported the work on the 1990 Patch and Overlay Project <br />is complete. In that regard, Bohrer prepared Partial Payment No. 1., <br />in the amount of $34,050.69, and recommended its payment to Bituminous <br />Consulting and Contracting Company, Inc. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to approve Partial Payment No. 1., in the amount <br />of $34,050.69, to Bituminous Consulting and Contracting Company, Inc. <br />for the work on the 1990 Patch and Overlay Project based on the City <br />Engineer's recommendation. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Recommendation from Planning Commission on Residential Estates <br />and Supporting Ordinances <br />RESIDENTIAL ESTATES ZONING ORDINANCE: <br />(4) Setback from Front Property Lines: Mayor Dunn personally favored <br />75 feet minimum, but the remaining Council favored 100 feet minimum. <br />(5) Frontage on Public Roadway: 150 feet minimum except 70 feet at the <br />end of cul-de-sacs. The Council noted this 150' requirement would <br />eliminate flag lots. <br />(8) Septic Drainfield Regulation: <br />The Council did not change the drainfield requirement. They directed <br />the PZ review the City Engineer's, Building Official's, City Planner's <br />rationale and come back with a recommendation for adequate septic <br />drainfield site. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to approve 301.070D(4) Residential Estates <br />Zoning Ordinances with the changes recommended by the PZ on October P, <br />1990. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />