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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 16, 1990 PAGE 4 <br />When the audience was asked by the Council for a show of hands in <br />favor of fire protection, four hands went up, two of which belonged to <br />Fire Chief Sachs and former Fire Chief Pott. <br />Mayor Dunn closed the public hearing at 8:41 p.m. <br />The Council noted they did not hear anyone hollering for fire <br />protection, but heard their primary concern was to get clean drinking <br />water to this area. The Council made it clear that our City Engineer <br />has stated on a number of occasions that consideration of fire <br />protection has no way delayed the installation of the drinking water <br />supply. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - the public water supply in the Lake Jane Well <br />Advisory Area not be upgraded for fire protection. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />The City Administrator will notify the City of Oakdale of Council <br />action. <br />C. Street Light Request for CR 17 & 39th Street and Highway 5 <br />and 39th Street <br />Larry Bohrer reported at the last Council meeting the Council received <br />a request from Lake Elmo State Bank to install a street light at the <br />intersection of 39th Street North and Lake Elmo Avenue and referred <br />this matter to the Engineer. <br />Bohrer explained he contacted Mark Mattson, Assistant County Engineer <br />and discussed the need to increase visibility at that intersection. <br />Based on that conversation the County will install a standard <br />cylindrical reflector on the existing stop sign post on 39th Street. <br />The County will also study whether large (2' x 3') advance street name <br />signs should be installed north and south of the intersection on Lake <br />Elmo Avenue. <br />NSP was contacted and stated there was no power readily available at <br />this intersection and the cost to extend power to that intersection <br />for a street light would be $2,500. Bohrer noted that in the past the <br />City has assumed the on -going operation and maintenance on all street <br />lights. The individual cost per month on a street light varies <br />between $9.75 up to $13.75 depending on the wattage of the light. The <br />City pays approx. $700/month for all the street lights. <br />Bohrer concluded the safety of the intersection would be enhanced by <br />adding the 360 deg, reflector on the stop sign and the erection of <br />advance signs and/or a street light. <br />The City Engineer was requested to get the price of the large street <br />name signs if the County doesn't want to put up signs. <br />D. Escrow Reduction: Packard Park 3rd Addition <br />Larry Bohrer reported the work on Packard Park 3rd Addition is <br />substantially completed. The Developer's Agreement allows partial <br />