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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 20, 1.990 PAGE 2 <br />The Sheriff stated he would abide by whatever the state recommended. <br />Trudeau stated., "It's not their desire to have more traffic accidents. <br />We don't like to see those things. If it takes lowering the speed <br />limits, we will live with that." <br />Richard Acree, 2986 Lake Elmo Avenue N., thanked Sheriff Trudeau for <br />coming. Acree stated that one of his concerns was that the sheriff's <br />dept. did not stop speeders until they were violating the speed limit <br />by ten miles per hour or more. He would like to see this gap brought <br />down closer to the posted speed limit with the intent being to create <br />a. reputation for strictness in the Old Village because it is a <br />residential. area. Specifically where he lives, Acree noted there are <br />a number of people who use that road for walking, jogging, riding <br />bikes and asked if something could be done to make it safer for <br />pedestrians. Mr. Acree asked to be informed when the study results <br />are in and to be involved in any work group. <br />Constance Northrup, 1.11097 32nd St.N., submitted a petition to the <br />Council with signatures of people that were not aware of Mr. Acree's <br />ideas for solutions. The people she talked to agreed there was a <br />problem, but very few people were aware that lie had recommended speed <br />bumps, stop signs, turning lanes, and sidewalks along Lake Elmo <br />Avenue. Northrup noted, "the solution isn't so much lowering the <br />speed limit as much as enforcing it or possibly rerouting traffic <br />headed for I-94. Lake Elmo Avenue is a thouroughfare. It's County <br />Road 17. To expect people to stop at stop signs for side streets is <br />not realistic." <br />Jess Mottaz, 8770 DeMontreville Trail, support of the <br />Sheriff's Dept., it appears we are making this a Sheriff.'s Dept <br />problem. If you went anywhere in Lake Elmo, you will find speeders <br />regardless of stop signs, speed limits, and police protection. You <br />can't have Deputy Sheriff's on every road all the time watching <br />speeders. The problem is not with the Sheriff's Dept., the problem is <br />ours-- everyone that drives a car in Lake Elmo. <br />Dick Acree stated he made a statement the night the petition was <br />submitted to the Council and made it clear he was not the spokesman <br />for the signers of his petition. The recommendations that were <br />included in his August 9th letter are strictly his alone. The <br />petition is a separate document and stands alone. If you look at the <br />petition, there is only one of the six items that has to do with <br />speed. Mr. Acree noted they are not putting the burden on the <br />Sheriff's Dept. <br />Williams related that he had spoken with one of the deputies <br />conducting the speed survey. Tha deputy confirmed that they were not <br />issuing ticketsfor speeds under 10 mph over the posted limit. Sheriff <br />Trudeau reiterated his philosophy of allowing his deputies to use <br />their discretion in that regard. <br />The Council. acknowledged, receiving the letter from Donald Wisniewski, <br />Director of Public Works, regarding an update of actions they have <br />taken to answer concerns raised in the Richard Acree petition. <br />