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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 1990 PAGE 6 <br />B. Recommendation from Lake Elmo Solid Waste Advisory <br />Committee <br />TMT Recycling's contract with the City expires December 31, 1990. It <br />is the recommendation of the LESWAC to renew this contract wth TMT <br />Recycling at the cost of $90.00 per ton which will include the <br />addition of certain plastics. The proposed increase reflects a $5.00 <br />per ton increase. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to support the extention of TMT's Recycling <br />Contract with the City of Lake Elmo at the cost of $90.00 per ton <br />which will include the addition of certain plastic until December 31, <br />1991. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Telephone and Computers <br />The staff provided a bid on a new AT&T telephone system and a bid from <br />Team Electronics for three new computers for the office staff. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to direct the staff to proceed with purchasing <br />the proposed telephone package from AT&T for the City Office. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - to postpone consideration on computer package <br />until further review by the City Staff and CIP Committee. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />D. Animal Control, Officer's Request for Increase <br />Michael Smith, Animal Control Officer, has requested an increase of 6% <br />percent (from $360.00 to $380.00) in the monthly contract fee. Mike <br />is also asking to double his call -out fee from $15.00 to $30.00. <br />The City Administrator pointed out the city adopted a $50.00 impound <br />fee for unlicensed dogs and $25.00 for licensed dogs. We budgeted <br />$5500 for Animal Control and $3000 for impounding. If we increase the <br />animal control to $6,000 and decrease the impound to $2,500 we should. <br />stay within budget. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to approve the 6% percent increase request by <br />Michael Smith, Animal Control Officer, from $360.00 to $380.00 in the <br />monthly contract fee and the call -out fee from $15.00 to $30.00 <br />effective January 1, 1.991. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />E. Update on traffic and speed issues within the Old Village <br />and including Dick Acree's letter. <br />The City Administrator reported. two letters were sent to Washington <br />County. The County passed a resolution requesting MNDOT to do a speed <br />study from Pierre's Pier -•-South to 20th Street, to see if it is a <br />reasonable request to reduce the speed from 45 mph to 30 mph. <br />Subsequent to this, the County is looking at stop signs along Lake <br />Elmo Avenue and a stop light at Hwy 5 and Cty Road 17. Other items <br />such as sidewalks will have to be addressed by the City. <br />