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11-08-90 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-08-90 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 1990 PAGE 5 <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Janochoski letter regarding the Lake Jane Water Supply. <br />The Council acknowleged receipt of a letter from Thomas Janochoski, <br />8510 Lake Jane Trail. N, putting forth an argument that with reduced <br />restoration costs routing the water system pipe from Oakdale to the <br />well advisory area by Lake Jane along Ideal and Trunk Hwy 5 might be a <br />wash in cost with the route currently proposed. <br />Bohrer commented the longer route would be the more expensive route. <br />The $80,000 that is estimated for restoration applies to the entire <br />project and not just that length of road on Lake Jane Trail. In the <br />design, they will be more sensitive to the trees, slope and all the <br />items sited in the closing of Mr. Janochoski's letter. Bohrer did not <br />see any reason to change the route at this time. <br />The Council indicated they would continue with the plan proposed by <br />the City Engineer and asked the City Administrator to write a letter <br />to Mr. Janochoski indicating the Council has reviewed his letter with <br />the City Engineer, and they feel. confident he will be sensitive to the <br />topography, trees, etc. and will have a workable, yet less expensive <br />system with the current design. <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Canvass Election Returns <br />The City Administrator explained the Council must meet as a canvassing <br />board within two days after the City General Election and declare the <br />results of the election as they appear upon the face of the election <br />returns. <br />The Council read aloud the results of the election and declared the <br />winners: <br />M/S/P Graves/Hunt - "For the two-year term of Mayor, Susan Dunn <br />received 1166 votes and David Johnson received 1341 votes. Now, <br />therefore, be it resolved that we the City Council of Lake Elmo <br />declare David Johnson elected as Mayor by a majority vote by the <br />registered voters of the City of Lake Elmo." (Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/P Graves/Armstrong - "For the two - four year terms for <br />Councilmembers, David Bucheck received 1078 votes, Arlyn Christ <br />received 359 votes, Richard Hughes received 1063 votes, Richard <br />Johnson received 1094 votes and Jess Mottaz received 1097 votes. Now, <br />therefore, be it resolved that we the City Council of. Lake Elmo <br />declare Jess Mottaz and Dick Johnson elected as Councilmembers by a <br />majority vote by the registered voters of the City of Lake Elmo." <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />
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