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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 18, 1.990 PAGE 2 <br />t. 1. The Lake Elmo City Council has granted the request <br />of the property owner, Cletus Tauer, to show his <br />property as RED on the Future Land Use Map. <br />2. The extension of 53rd Street which is currently an <br />illegal cul-de-sac, but allowed as a "temporary" <br />cul-de-sac has been viewed by the Council as an <br />improvement to the health, safety, and welfare of <br />the City. <br />3. That RED Zoning is not "spot zoning" in this area <br />because it is contiguous to the Fox Fire development <br />to the west. <br />4. That the designation of RED for Future Land Use of this <br />area is indeed consistent with proper planning of <br />the City. <br />5. Proper notification was provided for the Public Hearing <br />on the Comprehensive Plan. <br />The Council supported the PZ's recommendation based on their Findings <br />of Fact, but asked the developers to be conscientious of the <br />petitioner's concerns. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Armstrong - to deny the petition to eliminate the "dip" <br />based on the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />B. Rezoning - Arabian Hills <br />At the Developer's request, the Planning Commission granted the <br />applicant's request to table the application for rezoning for Arabian <br />Hills. <br />C. Conditional Use Permit for advertising sign and <br />variance related to sign: 3M/Nat.i.onal Advertising Company/ <br />Crossroads Collision Center, Inc., 8910 Hudson Boulevard <br />The Planning Commission on an 8-1-1 vote recommended to the City <br />Council the variance not be given for the distance between signs and <br />a variance not be given from the size of the sign and that the City <br />Council deny the Conditional Use Permit based on the fact the <br />applicant showed no hardship due to the land or structures on the <br />property and because economic or financial considerations do not alone <br />constitute a hardship. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to accept the Planning Commission's <br />recommendation to deny the variances requested by 3M/National <br />Advertising Co./Crossroads Collision Center, Inc. at 8910 Hudson <br />Boulevard, and because the variances have not been granted, the <br />Conditional Use Permit is being denied because the applicant does not <br />comply with the City's regulations. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. Limited Business Zoning District <br />