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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 15, 1991 PAGE 4 <br />E. Planning Commission Appointments <br />Councilman Hunt reported that with Jim Arkell's resignation from the <br />Planning Commission, this makes six members on the Commission with an <br />average length of service approx. two years per member and five seats <br />open. Hunt noted that the three people who have served on the PZ are <br />asking for reappointment, plus we have the opportunity to appoint two <br />new people on the PZ. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to reappoint Steve DeLapp, Ann Bucheck and Karer. <br />Johnston to full three year terms on the Lake Elmo Planning <br />Commission. (Motion carried 3-2: Dave Johnson: we have a number of <br />applications, doesn't find any credability to the idea of the <br />experience factor of the 3 members mentioned. We must wait for <br />applications since we have asked. people to serve this city on a <br />volunteer basis. The people will receive consideration along with <br />other applicants, Mottaz: we want to get more people involved. We have <br />advertised for these vacancies and have people expressing a desire to <br />be considered. In fairness to them, we should continue with the <br />process.). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance to height of garage <br />Dave Schwarz, 10961 32nd St. N. <br />Mayor Johnson opened up the public hearing at B:30 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. The public hearing notice was published in the St. <br />Croix Valley Press and abutting property owners were notified. <br />Dave Schwarz, 10961 32nd St. N., explained a permit was issued to him <br />for the construction of a garage on November 9, 1990. Construction <br />was later stopped by the building official when it was realized the <br />height exceeded the maximum in our city ordinnnce. The garage was <br />built with the same pitch of the house and there are several garages <br />in the neighborhood that are as tall. <br />Jim McNamara reported Dave Schwarz was granted variances for setback <br />from the street and sideyard on November Sth, 1990. The height of the <br />building was not precisely shown on the plan. The overall height of <br />the garage is approximately 19' 4" where our ordinance allows a <br />maximum of 14' on a detached garage. Mr. Schwarz was not told about <br />the maximum height requirement until it was called to the City's <br />attention by a resident and then a stop order was given. <br />The Council received a letter from Eldon W. Smith, 10941 N. 32nd St, <br />indicating his objection to the requested variance. <br />Mayor Johnson closed the ,public hearing at 8:35 p.m. <br />M/S/ Mottaz/Dick Johsnon - to grant the variance to David Schwarz, <br />10961 32nd Street North, from the required 14' building height for the <br />purpose of constructing a garage based on the hardship being the <br />expense of rebuilding a portion of the garage as a result of previous <br />city action. <br />