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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 2 <br />The Council asked that Colle & McVoy update them at a Council meeting <br />at a time when it would be beneficial or upon Council request. <br />Attorney Filla will send out the draft contract incorporating the <br />Council's changes to Colle & McVoy on Friday, February 22nd. <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to postpone consideration of contract until <br />March 5th Council meeting or until such time we receive Exhibit A. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />5. PLANNING/LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Comprehensive Plan <br />Mike Black reported in his memo, dated February 15, 1.991, that on <br />Thursday, February 14, 1991, the Metropolitan Council approved the <br />Lake Elmo 1990-2010 Comprehensive Plan. During the Metro Council <br />review process, the City Council did authorize staff to make certain <br />text and map changes. Those final changes should now be incorporated <br />into final print copies. The staff will request copies of plan that <br />have been distributed in order to update them. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Williams - to direct the staff to print 50 final <br />copies of the 1990-2010 Comprehensive Plan incorporating all final <br />text and map changes. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Proposal to move house into city: Tony Collette <br />Tony Collette, 1125 Roselawn Avenue, Roseville, has applied to move a <br />single family structure into Lake Elmo. The house is currently <br />located at 1075 Hadley Avenue N. in Oakdale and is proposed to be <br />moved to Lot 7, Block .1 of Midland Meadows. Mr. Collette stated there <br />are no covenants on the property according to River Estates and no <br />variances are required. The Building Inspector and Councilman Mottaz <br />have looked at the house and stated it appeared in excellent shape and <br />should transport without major problems. <br />At their February 11, 1991 meeting, the Planning Commission found this <br />structure compatible with other development in the area and <br />recommended the Council approve the moving of this house into the <br />City. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Mottaz - to approve the request of Anthony and Jodi <br />Collette to move the house and garage at 1075 Hadley Avenue in Oakdale <br />to Lot 7 Block 1, Midland Meadows in Lake Elmo providing that the <br />completed building meets all building and zoning codes and that the <br />applicant is held responsible for any damages to city roads or other <br />property caused. by the move. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />C. Request by DNR Joint Meeting with CC and PZ to discuss <br />Shoreland regulations. <br />Councilman Johnson, Mike Black, Wyn John, Jim McNamara and. <br />Administrator Kueffner will attend a seminar on new state shoreland <br />management laws, March 1st at the Days Inn. Obi Sieum, DNR, requested <br />