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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1991 PAGE 3 <br />an hour of the Council's and Planninq Commission's meeting time to go <br />over the process for updating the shoreland regulations. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dave Johnson - to call a special joint meeting at 7:30 <br />p.m. between the City Council and Planning Commission for Monday, <br />March 11, 1991 to discuss updating DNR shoreland regulations. (Motion <br />carried 4-0). <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Old Village Drainage <br />City Engineer, Tom Prew, reported that at the February 5th Council <br />meeting there was discussion on the possibility of constructing a <br />detention pond on the VFW Ballfield. site. The Engineer was asked at <br />that time to prepare a cost estimate for that option. The Council <br />received preliminary assessment rolls for all four storm sewer options <br />including the preliminary street assessments. <br />B. Diversion of Water to Sunfish Lake <br />Tom Prew explained the city discussed investigating the feasibility of <br />diverting runoff from Schiltgen's Farm fields north of TH5 and west of <br />CSAH 17. Instead of the drainage from these fields flowing through <br />the Old Village, the City would like to divert the water into Sunfish <br />Lake. (see Tom Prew's letter to Karen Chandler, VBWD Enq. 2/12/91). <br />Prew reported he talked to Karen Chandler who stated she would bring <br />this proposal to the VBWD Board, but could not recommend it for the <br />following reasons: the project would double the size of the drainage <br />area going to Sunfish Lake, concern on water quality, cost of <br />acquiring easements, and Sunfish Lake has no outlet. Karen Chandler <br />will be sending a letter incorporating these reasons. <br />The Council indicated the desire to pursue the diversion of water to <br />Sunfish Lake. Therefore, the following motion was made: <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams to send letters to all propertyowners on <br />Sunfish Lake explaining the proposal and asking them if they have any <br />objections or if they would like to approach the Council to discuss <br />this proposal. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Mike Ziniel, 3265 Kraft Cirlcle N., submitted a picture showing water <br />ponding (approx. 10" deep) on his driveway and causing damage to the <br />driveway. This is his fourth winter at this residence and the water <br />problem has increased since he moved in. <br />City Engineer reported this is the first time he became aware of a <br />drainage problem in that area and noted the City has not done any <br />improvements to the street. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to direct the Building Official and <br />Maintenance Foreman to inspect this problem and report back to the <br />City Council. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />