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8. The water runoff from any existing agricultural buildings or <br />proposed agricultural style buildings shall meet the one percent rule <br />as to rate and volume. Requirements shall be met to the satisfaction <br />of the City Engineer by October 1, 1987. <br />9. Except for outside storage, which may be partially visible <br />from public roadways until said landscape plan reaches maturity, all <br />buildings and farm areas will be maintained so as to give a rural farm <br />appearance. <br />10. The Landowner shall reside on the contiguous real estate and <br />be the owner and operator of any business related to this use. <br />11. No use allowed under this Conditional Use Permit shall cause <br />pollution nor shall any hazardous materials be stored on the site. <br />12. It is expressly understood by the Landowner that any hazard <br />to the health or welfare of the City could and would be grounds for <br />immediate revocation of this permit. <br />This Conditional Use Permit will be reviewed on an annual basis, and <br />may be rescinded, after a 2 week notice and a public hearing, if the <br />City Council finds that the public health, safety, or welfare is <br />jeopardized. <br />Adopted by the City Council of the City of Lake Elmo this 5th day of <br />January, 1988. <br />"if <br />Arlyn C11rist, Mayor <br />Mti4-o�+. <br />