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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of <br />Lake Elmo, f <br />THAT a Conditional Use Permit for an alternative agricultural use <br />as allowed by Section 301.070 D.l.b.(6) is hereby granted to Thomas G. <br />Armstrong for the purpose of utilizing those premises for the <br />operation of his existing storage business subject to such other <br />restrictions and additions as may be hereinafter specified; and <br />THAT the Conditional Use Permit granted herein is subject to the <br />following conditions: <br />1. That the Conditional Use Permit shall apply to the entire <br />254.6 acres of agricultural real estate owned by Thomas G. Armstrong <br />(hereinafter referred to as "Landowner") within the boundaries of the <br />City of Lake Elmo, which land shall be deemed a single contiguous <br />parcel for the purposes of enforcing this Conditional Use Permit and <br />the related provisions of the Lake Elmo City Code. <br />2. The area for the use specified in this Conditional Use Permit. <br />shall not exceed six acres and the site shall be within the general <br />limits of the site plan submitted to the City Council and staff by the <br />Landowner. <br />3. The allowed use within the aforesaid site .shall be the <br />storage of cars, trucks, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles, and <br />other vehicles and goods inside agricultural style buildings on the <br />site. Any outside storage of cars, trucks, boats, trailers, <br />recreational vehicles and other vehicles in the area designated on the % <br />site plan shall not exceed 100, said number being computed as one <br />vehicle or 150 square feet of occupied space per 2.5 acres of the <br />total parcel. <br />4. The Landowner will not be permitted to construct more than <br />two additional buildings not to exceed 15,000 square feet each for <br />storage use in the areas designated in the site plan. <br />5. The Landowner shall maintain his remaining land or farm his <br />remaining land in accordance with the required practices of the Soil <br />and Water Conservation District. <br />6. The Landowner shall comply with the proposed and existing <br />landscape plan attached and submitted to the City Council at its <br />meeting of December 16, 1986. in particular, the landowner agrees to <br />make every reasonable effort to provide natural vegetation equivalent <br />to five feet in height by June 1, 1992, and the equivalent of eight <br />feet in height by June 1, 1995. The planting of such natural <br />vegetation shall consist of existing pine and spruce plantations and <br />proposed pine and spruce plantations submitted as part of this <br />proposal. It is understood that some of these trees may be harvested <br />for Christmas tree sales, but at least six rows of trees shall remain <br />and be allowed to grow to maturity. The lilac hedges on the site <br />shall be maintained so as to provide screening for any outside storage <br />areas. <br />7. There shall be no signs and no paved parking areas on the <br />site. All the outside storage areas, driveways, and building aprons <br />shall be of grass or of lime rock. <br />