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5. That Cimarron Park owners <br />parking, sewer facilities and <br />patrons of the golf course. <br />shall provide adequate off-street <br />solid waste disposal to serve the <br />6. That reasonable efforts will be made to accomodate, if possible, <br />the needs of handicapped persons desiring access to the public <br />facilities of Cimarron Park. <br />7. That watering of the golf course will be allowed from sunset to <br />sunrise. <br />This Conditional Use Permit will be reviewed onan <br />annual basis, and ring, if the <br />may be rescinded, after a 2 week notice and a public <br />City Council finds that the public health, safety, or welfare is <br />jeopardized. <br />ADOPTED, this 5th day of January 1988, by the City Council <br />of the City of Lake Elmo, Washington County, Minnesota. <br />signed <br />Arlyn Christ, Mayor <br />Attest: <br />