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ROSEN, MEYER & SIMONS <br />LAWYERS <br />WILLIAM S. ROSEN AUG 2 81989 1016 MERITOR TOWER <br />DAVID D. MEYER 444CEOAR STREET <br />WILLIAM P. SIMONS SAINT PAUL. MN 55101 <br />August 24, 1989 <br />TELEPHONE(612) 227-7731 <br />TELECOPIER(612) 223-8514 <br />Mayor Susan Dunn <br />Lake Elmo City Offices <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />Re: TRANS -CITY INVESTMENTS (HOWARD GELB) <br />11490 Hudson Boulevard, Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />The Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of <br />Section Thirty -Six (36); T29N, R21W; and also All that <br />part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />of Section Thirty-six (36), T29N, R21N described as <br />follows, to wit: Commencing at the Southwest corner of <br />the Northwest Quarter to the Southeast Quarter; then <br />North along the West line a distance of 152 feet to, a <br />point; thence Southeasterly in a straight line to a <br />point on the South line of said Northwest Quarter'of <br />the Sout east Quarter to a point; said point being <br />located �3 feet East of the point of beginning; thence <br />West 33 feet to the point of beginning; and the West <br />two (2) rods of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />of Section 36, T29N, R21N, Washington County; commonly <br />known as 11490 Hudson Boulevard <br />Our File No. 8283 <br />Dear Mayor Dunn: <br />This will confirm the understanding between Trans -City <br />Investments (Howard Gelb) and the City of Lake Elmo concerning <br />the conditional use permit for the above -described property, <br />arising out of the council meeting that Mr. Gelb and I attended <br />on Tuesday, August 15, 1989. <br />The understanding is as follows: <br />1. The conditional use permit (Resolution 87-28 adopted <br />May 5, 1987) will remain in full farce and effect from <br />year to year without further action by Mr. Gelb or the <br />City; <br />Mr. Gelb will notify the City when a lease is termi- <br />nated and a new tenant moves in. Consistent with this <br />requirement, there is enclosed herewith a list of the <br />current tenants designating the date of lease com- <br />mencement and the date of expiration together with <br />