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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1991 PAGE 9 <br />-- In regard to the Cimarron ordinance request, he has spoken to <br />Glen Schumaker, a representative from the association of manufacturing <br />housing owners in the state of. Florida where they have similar <br />legislation and similar problems, member of the Attorney General's <br />staff in the state of Massachusetts who have similar types of <br />regulations. The purpose of these conversations is to "zero in" on <br />the potential taking issue that could result from the adoption of this <br />type of legislation. At the next Council meeting Jerry will present a <br />draft of an ordinance for Council review. <br />Research was presented by Glen Schumaker and Floyd Olson on the three <br />factors why they are asking for compensation in addition to relocation <br />funds. The three factors are: (1) Many of these homes are too old, and <br />they cannot be relocated. (2) Many of these homes that could be moved. <br />physically cannot be relocated to other parks because of the vacancy <br />rates. (3) Many of the parks that do have openings have age <br />restrictions. <br />9. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Street Sweeping <br />The City received three quotes for street sweeping: <br />Foss Sweeping: $49.50 per hour - Eligen Pelican Sweepers <br />Allied Blacktop: $45.00 per hour for one-way broom <br />$59.00 Eligen Pelican Sweeper <br />Clean -Sweep: $55.90 Eligen Power Sweeper. <br />The staff recommended the bid <br />Sweeping Service. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to award the 1991 street sweeping to the low <br />bidder, Foss Sweeping Service, $49.50 per hour, based on the <br />references have been checked and found acceptable. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />B. League of Cities Conference <br />League of Minnesota Cities Annual Conference, June 11-14, 1991 in <br />Rochester, MN <br />The following people will attend the Annual Conference: Mayor Johnson <br />and spouse, Dick Johnson and spouse, Jess Mottaz and Spouse, <br />Administrator Kueffner and Finance Director Banister. <br />