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04-02-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-02-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1991 PAGE 8 <br />our code, a front lot line is defined "In the case of a corner lot, it <br />shall be the shortest dimension of a public street". The staff erred <br />when it issued the original building permit for this house by not <br />recognizing this and providing wrong setback information to the <br />builder. The Administrator explained that we essentially allowed, by <br />issuing this permit, a structure that does not conform to our <br />rear -yard setback requirement of 40 feet. Even if the house would <br />have been closer to Jasper than it was placed, a non-conformancy still <br />exists. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to reconsider the variance request of Philip <br />Zimmer, 4850 Jasper Avenue, which was denied by the Council at the <br />April 3rd meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to rescind the April 3rd motion to deny the <br />variance from the side yard setback request by Philip Zimmer, 4850 <br />Jasper Avenue, because a request for a variance was inappropriate in <br />that a variance was not required. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to grant a variance to Philip Zimmer, 4850 <br />Jasper Avenue N. for a rear yard setback on the existing structure <br />based on the fact that staff created the non-comformity through an <br />error of issuing a building permit, a variance should have been <br />granted, therefore, the hardship was not self-created. (Motion <br />carried_5-0). <br />I. Request by Robert Ziertman <br />Robert Ziertman requested correction of an error in a legal <br />description from a two 10-acre subdivision that were granted in 1990. <br />This error gives one of the property owners 4.135 acres more than they <br />should have. In order for this to be recorded, staff will have to <br />draft a resolution for Council adoption. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to direct staff to prepare a resolution for the <br />reconveyance of land as legally described in the quit Claim Deed <br />provided with the understanding that no lot less than 10 acres wil:L be <br />created. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Continuation of request from APAC <br />B. Update on legal matters <br />City Attorney, Jerry Filla, reported: <br />-- Derrick Land has decided that they will proceed with the testing <br />procedures to see if these lots can be built upon. <br />-- The Jamie Olson lawsuit was heard. The attorney suggested going <br />over why we are in litigation to begin with and some of the <br />ramifications of procedures that were or were not followed. <br />
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