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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 21, 1991 PAGE 2 <br />Mayor Johnson asked that Reapp, in particular, Teddi Carlson, Rita <br />Conlin and the executive crew be sent resolutions conveying the <br />city's appreciation for all their time, efforts, and dedication. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - to request the staff prepare individualized <br />resolutions, signed by the Council, thanking ReAPP members for <br />their time and efforts in stopping the landfill siting process. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />5. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Public Hearing: Petition to vacate walkway easement in <br />Demontreville Highlands <br />Mayor Johnson opened up the public hearing at 8:32 p.m. in the <br />City Council chambers. The public hearing notice was published on <br />May 8, 1991 in the St. Croix Valley Press. <br />This is a public hearing to consider a petition submitted to the <br />City for the vacation of a walkway easement between lots 13 and <br />14, Block 3, Demontreville Highlands 4th Addition. <br />Mike Maas, 5459 Highlands Trail N., presented a memo indicating <br />reasons the residents of the DeMontreville Highlands neighborhood <br />are asking the City to vacate the DeMontreville park walkway <br />access and abandon all improvement plans for this access site. <br />Dan Coyle, 5430 Highlands Trail N., gave verbal cost proposals <br />from contractors to upgrade this easement and noted the City could <br />find other projects to spend this money on. <br />Mark Rivard, 5290 Hilltop Avenue N., stated the majority of the <br />people are not looking favorably on this easement. <br />Gloria Knoblauch explained she was one member on the parks <br />commission that voted against the motion because there was the <br />nature walk closeby and another northern entrance. The reasoning <br />of the rest: of the Parks Commission was "we have this right, we <br />should exercise our option." <br />Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing at 8:50 p.m. <br />Councilman Johnson indicated his concern from a safety standpoint <br />that there is no parking along either Highlands Trail N. or <br />DeMontreville Trail, and there is not a good shoulder for walking <br />along DeMontreville Trail for small children. Another concern is <br />that the Council needs to listen to the Park Commission, which <br />they have appointed, who advised the city to keep the walkway <br />easement and requested park land in Fox Fire Manor. In this case, <br />Dick believed the reasons for vacating the easement exceeded those <br />for keeping it. <br />