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05-21-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-21-91 CCM
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L kKL I,,1,Ni.; C'7 1': C01,N(_' _• C, <br />M/S P D `z,P�/W.i .liaels •.. to ad>L)-" Rescluticm No. 91-15 vacating the <br />I easement described in said resolution, based on the finding that <br />this easement serves no public purpose and that ingress and egress <br />to DeMontreville Park is provided to the park for the general <br />public in two different locations, one being within 750 feet of <br />easement being vacated. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Arabian Hills - Final Plat <br />The Planning Commission reviewed the plat at its May 10th meeting <br />and recommended approval; subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Developer obtain necessary permits from VBWD. <br />2. Developer enter into a developer's agreement acceptable <br />by the City Attorney. <br />3. Developer pay a park dedication fee of 7& of the value <br />determined by Frank Langer in his letter dated, May 9, 1991. <br />4. That the City Council settle the question of berming on <br />the Keith Raleigh property. <br />In regard to the berming of the Keith Raleigh property, Roger <br />Kolstad had made an offer to Mr. Raleigh to provide 5 transplanted <br />Norway Pines, 15 feet tall, or $750.00 for Mr. Raleigh to provide <br />his own landscaping. Mr. Kolstad provided pictures from the <br />proposed street in Arabian Hills to the Raleigh property. (These <br />pictures showed the existing landscaping on the Raleigh property.) <br />Mr. Raleigh indicated he would settle for $8,500, the cost of a <br />landscape plan he had prepared by Heins Valley Creel, Nursery. <br />(The City received a copy of the landscape plan at the meeting.) <br />The City Attorney reviewed the revisions of the Developer's <br />Agreement. <br />The City Administrator has talked to Karen Chandler who indicated <br />VBWD will give their official approval at their next meeting that <br />the driveway on Lot 10 is above the 100-year flood plain. Roger <br />Kolstad explained this was an oversight by their engineer who did <br />not put down the correct elevation on the driveway. <br />Councilman Williams proposed adding two conditions (No. 5 & 6) to <br />Resolution No. 91-16: <br />5. Developer shall adhere to all city standards and <br />ordinances. <br />6. The developer shall on or before September 15, 1991 plant <br />up to 5 spruce or cedar trees each at least 10 ft. tall on the <br />Keith Raleigh property for the purpose of screening the Raleigh <br />house from vehicular headlights on 53rd St. N. and Keats Avenue, <br />with the location of the trees being specified by Keith Raleigh on <br />or before September 1, 1991. <br />
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