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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 7, 1991 PAGE 3 <br />8. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Park Dedication Ordinance <br />The City Council reviewed the Ordinance for Park Dedication prepared <br />by our City Planner and Attorney after receiving input from the Parks <br />Commission and City Council. <br />The City Attorney pointed out the Council should recognize there has <br />to be a correlation between density and dedication requirements. This <br />is why the state law allows cities to require this type of <br />contribution to offset the demand on park services as a result of <br />development. The correlation between the commercial development and <br />park services are harder to determine. <br />The City Administrator indicated her concern, where mentioned in the <br />code for future park land, those sites should be shown on the Future <br />Land Use Map. The correlation between future park land map and the <br />Comp Plan should be specifically written in the ordinance (Item G). <br />This would make it easier for staff to deal with the people that <br />subdivide and plat. The Parks Commission has determined a <br />sub -committee that will work with Mike Black to come up with a <br />Comprehensive Park Plan. The consensus of the Council was to retain <br />Section 401.400(G) into the ordinance. <br />The Council discussed, the justification for the different percentages <br />of land dedication in the zoning district, but no final decision was <br />made. When asked by the Council for her recommendation, the City <br />Administrator recommended 6%, maximum of 7%, land dedication for R1, <br />R2, R3, R4 zoning districts. <br />Councilman Williams indicated his preference in the last draft for D. <br />Contribution in Lieu of Land , including the words "cash, land or any <br />combination thereof". <br />The City Attorney did not feel the Council was ready for approving <br />this ordinance without going thru the municipal code and identifying <br />all the sections of the code which need to be amended. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to postpone consideration of the Park <br />Dedication Ordinance until the next City Council meeting. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />B. Fox Fire Manor Preliminary Plat (Continuation) <br />At the April 16th, meeting, the Council postponed preliminary plat <br />approval of Fox Fire Manor. <br />The Council received a review of this plat as it relates to the Korhel <br />property from Quentin K. Wood & Assoc. Inc, engineer for Fox Fie <br />Manor. A draft of an agreement between the developer of Rolling Hills <br />and Fox Fire Manor had been prepared by the City Attorney and <br />submitted for Council review. <br />