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05-07-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-07-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 7, 1991 PAGE 2 <br />B. Other <br />Councilman Hunt reported it was impossible, because of other <br />commitments, for him to continue the task of contacting all (37) <br />communities and arranging times to appear on their council agendas to <br />show the landfill video, answer questions, and request their support <br />for the resolution opposing the landfill siting. <br />The City Administrator volunteered to call each community and request <br />placement on their Council agenda. The attendance at these Council <br />meetings will be split among the members of the Lake Elmo City <br />Council. <br />6. APAC Ordinance <br />City Attorney, Jerry Filla, prepared an ordinance relative to the <br />concerns raised by Cimarron residents should the park close and the <br />residents be forced to relocate. The staff asked for additional <br />comments on the proposed ordinance from APAC and from the park <br />owner(s). <br />Dan Krawczyk, NHD, referred to page 4, (Items 1.,2.,3.), and explained <br />there may be a number of reasons, such as condition or age of home, <br />why homes cannot be relocated which may or may not have anything to do <br />with the fact that the park is closing. He made a reference to <br />1700.070 page 5, and questioned if the market value discussed with the <br />residents of Cimarron was fair or accurate. Dan explained the <br />assessor sends them a tax roll and asks management to go out and <br />inspect each individual home and let them know if it has been <br />improved, if it has deteriorated and if there are any ownership <br />changes. Neither, he nor his staff, had time to do the actual <br />assessments. <br />The Council requested a definition of a Park Resident and a Park <br />Purchaser. <br />The City Attorney has been working with APAC because he assumed APAC <br />represented a large percentage of the people in the park, but was <br />informed APAC did not. Therefore, Filla recommended the Council <br />postpone action on this ordinance until a joint meeting (City <br />Attorney, APAC representative, non-APAC resident, Cimarron Management) <br />can be set up because he could not anticipate the issues and does not <br />have all the factual knowledge as to what kinds of formulas to put <br />into this ordinance. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to postpone consideration of this matter <br />and to direct the staff to set up a joint meeting to discuss the <br />Ordinance relating to the closure of manufactured home parks. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />7. Auditor's Report: Rob Tautges <br />Rob Tautges, Voto, Tautges, Redpath & Co., presented the 1990 Annual <br />Financial and Management Report. <br />
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