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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 1991 PAGE 5 <br />D. Septic Ordinance (Continuation) <br />This proposed ordinance was postponed from the 5/1R/91 Council meeting <br />and you asked the city attorney to comment on the ordinance. The <br />ordinance has been revised and offered for Council review. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams - to amend the previous motion (6/I.8/97.) to <br />adopt Ordinance 8053 amending Section 701.040 of the Lake Elmo code <br />relating to pumping of septic system by removal of the manhole cover, <br />as presented by the City Attorney to the Council at the 7/2/91 <br />meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />P4/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to amend the motion to adopt Ordinance <br />8053 amending Sections 701.040(D)(3)(k)(1), 701.040(D)(�i)(c); and <br />adding Sections 701.040(D)(3)(k)(1)(a) and 701.040(D)(3)(k)(1)(b) to <br />the Lake Elmo Municipal Code relating to Septic Tanks as presented to <br />the Council at 7/2/91 meeting with a further amendment to the revised <br />wording in the last paragraph, "Any septic tank with a manhole must be <br />pumped thru the manhole access by removing the manhole over. Pumpinq_ <br />is not to be done thru an inspection pipe for any septic tank which <br />has a manhole." (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The Building Official will make a list of properties which had septic <br />tanks installed after 1/l/84. This list will be provided, along with <br />a copy of Ordinance R053, to every licensed pumper in the City. <br />Councilman Johnson noted for the record he voted in favor of the <br />motion because he felt the ordinance regulation was important for new <br />septic tanks, but was not in favor of residents with exisiting tanks <br />be required to retroactively upgrade. <br />The Council gave Councilman Williams permission to work with the city <br />staff to develop a system whereby a number of homeowners can sign up <br />to make a group purchase of extension rings for their septic systems <br />so they can be purchased thru the city at a reduced rate. <br />9. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Fire Hydrant at Station #2 (Continuation) <br />At the June 18th meeting, the City Council tabled approval of this <br />item until the Finance Director could find money in the budget <br />($2,000) for this hydrant. The Maintenance Foreman informed the staff <br />the City does have an extra fire hydrant as the result of a hyrdant <br />that was damaged in an accident in front of Lake Elmo Oil. This <br />hydrant was replaced by his insurance company and the damaged hydrant <br />"given" to the City. The hydrant has been repaired and repainted and <br />would serve the purpose of providing a hydrant at Station #2.. <br />M/S/P Dick_Johnson/Williams - to approve expenditures up to $600.00 <br />(to be taken out of the Fire Dept's Capitol Outlay) to provide valves <br />and piping for a fire hydrant (currently owned by the City) at Station <br />#2 in conjunction with the SW1 Watermain installation. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />