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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 2, 1991 PAGE F <br />B. SW-1 Easements <br />Earlier this year the Council hired Bill Schwab, Penfield., Inc., to <br />appraise two parcels of land for which the City needed to acquire <br />easements for the installation of the S611 Watermain. Both of these <br />easement costs will be conveyed under our agreement with Washington <br />County. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to direct the City Staff to offer Irvin <br />Friedrich a blacktop driveway.valued at $2240 and $2760 in cash for <br />watermain easement across his property located at 9454 Stillwater <br />Blvd. N. and to direct the city attorney to prepare said easement. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to offer 3M Company $1975 in cash for a <br />utility easement over property located at corner of Ideal Avenue and <br />40th St. in Oakdale and to direct the City Attorney to prepare said. <br />easement. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Other <br />In regard to Gloria Knoblauch's inquiry, Tom Prew noted he is <br />currently working on an alternative for the storm water drainage <br />system that will be discussed at the council workshop on Tuesday, July <br />loth. <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Mayor Johnson <br />Mayor Johnson received a letter from the new owner of Gene Seidow's <br />building inCicating he has pumped 4400 gallons from the septic system <br />and only used 1100 gallons of water.. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to direct the City Staff to identify the problem <br />areas and investigate if these properties could connect to the City <br />owned 201 system. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Councilman Lee Hunt - No Report <br />C. Councilman Dick Johnson <br />The Maintenance Advisory Committee met and voiced their concern of the <br />Council by-passing this Committee and authorizing an expenditure up to <br />$8000 for purchase of a pick-up truck for the Parks Dept. The <br />Committee felt this Council action defeated the purpose of the <br />Committee. The Committee will be able to review this purchase as it <br />has not been made. <br />In regard to the concern on the runoff from Olson Lake Estates into <br />Lake Olson, Councilman Johnson informed the Council that Al Dornfeld, <br />VBWD, is trying to set up a meeting for July loth at 2:00 p.m. The <br />City of Oakdale has appointed two .people from their Council to <br />represent Oakdale and Dick asked if the Council wished to select two <br />reps from Lake Elmo. Mayor Johnson volunteered to be the other rep <br />from Lake Elmo. <br />