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09-17-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-17-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 4 <br />Proposed assessments to each abutting parcel for street <br />construction was presented. Prew indicated it was proposed to <br />pay for drainage improvements through a storm sewer taxing <br />district where all property which is within the drainage area <br />would help pay for the storm sewer improvement through a tax <br />increase. The approximate drainage area is bounded by Schiltgens <br />field on the east, T.H.5 on the north, the railroad tracks on the <br />south, and Schiltgens fields on the west. <br />Bill Wacker, 3603 Laverne Avenue N., asked if the 30" storm <br />sewer pipe would be sufficient to handle any further development <br />north of Highway 5? Why is there parallel parking planned for <br />the east side of the street when activities are on the west side <br />of Laverne Avenue. <br />Mayor Johnson expressed concern that the land upstream from the <br />proposed drainage area would be included in the drainage project <br />because of future potential development. Councilman Johnson <br />pointed out that the city ordinance does require ponding that <br />prevent surface water runoff caused by development and that lands <br />upstream should not be included in the project. <br />Mike Kulla, Attorney representing Peter Schiltgen, stated it was <br />not Mr. Schiltgen's intention to be obstructive rather he wants <br />to work with the City as well as the City work with him so the <br />City's objectives can be obtained as well as his right to <br />maintain the entire piece of his farmland. As a result, Mr. <br />Schiltgen is opposed to granting any sort of a permanent easement <br />across his property. This does not mean he is unwilling to allow <br />this project to take place. An option proposed would be a series <br />of short term leases where there is not a permanent grant of an <br />easement, but rather the City maintains the right to have this <br />water flow in a natural Swale of the property as well as the City <br />maintaining the right to come in and dredge or maintain this <br />existing drainage way. However, Mr. Schiltgen will want the <br />right to continue to farm this property which may mean widening <br />the easement with a gradual slope so his farm equipment can go <br />through. He would like either the right to continue driving thru <br />this easement and be able to farm his corner or, if possible, <br />continue farming this drainage easement. <br />Councilman, Williams suggested the possibility of having one or <br />more at grade places where we would actually change from a ditch <br />to a culvert, sort of like a driveway, so he can get his <br />equipment across the area. Kulla answered this option was not <br />discussed. <br />
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