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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 5 <br />Ed Gorman, owner of White Hat Restaurant, asked the following <br />questions: Were any studies done on the 30 or 40 million sq.ft. <br />(Schiltgen fields north of Hwy 5) that contribute water to this <br />area. Was any thought given to the amount of impervious surface <br />in residential versus commercial because he had to provide <br />ponding when he expanded his restaurant? Will $20,000 allocated <br />for easements be enough? Who other than the City Engineer has <br />come forth and stated there is a problem? <br />Frank Squadrito, 3570 Laverne Avenue N., stated this proposal <br />will not correct his problem. He will still have water in his <br />basement because of the high water table. <br />Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing at 10:06 p.m. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to adopt Resolution No. 91-30 directing the <br />City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the Upper <br />33rd Street and Old Village Drainage Improvement Project, direct <br />City staff to begin easement acquisition for this project and <br />direct City staff to begin work on establishing Old Village <br />Drainage Improvement District as requested in Tom Prew's letter , <br />September 13, 1991. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. SW1 Water Project: Change Order No. 1 <br />City Engineer, Tom Prew, explained Change Order No. 1 extending <br />the completion date of the SW-1 Watermain project from August 31, <br />1991 to October 25, 1991 is due to the seven week delay in award <br />of their contract. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to approve Change Order No. 1 extending <br />the completion date of the SW-1 Watermain Project to October 25, <br />1991. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Other <br />7. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Jamie Olson: sign <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dick Johnson - to approve Resolution No 91-29, as <br />amended (add paragraph: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in granting <br />this CUP the City also granted the following (3) variances as <br />described in Court Order) granting a CUP and variances allowing <br />construction of a 200 sq.ft. illuminated advertising sign to <br />Jamie Olson, d/b/a Ad Venture Media, Inc., Wendy Olson and Todd <br />Olson. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />