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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 6 <br />8. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Stonegate: Rezoning <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - in the matter of Trailhead Development <br />corporation and the Stonegate development, I move that the City <br />Attorney be directed to: <br />1. File an affidavit with the court, as soon as possible, <br />stating the procedures followed by the city in reviewing and <br />voting on the original rezoning request, determining how to <br />respond to the complaint from Trailhead Development Corporation, <br />reviewing the decision of District Court granting the default <br />judgment, and voting to obey the default judgment order; <br />2. Appear at court on September 27, reiterate the above <br />procedures followed by the City in this matter, and otherwise <br />relate to the court that at least a majority of the City Council <br />has attempted to adhere to all applicable rules and orders in <br />this matter. (Motion carried 3-2: Mayor Johnson, Mottaz). <br />B. Stonegate: Preliminary Plat <br />The City Attorney recommended Council action be taken on the <br />Stonegate Preliminary Plat; subject to final resolution of the <br />zoning issue. The Council received the Parks Commission's <br />recommendation of 9-16-91 for park land dedication. <br />Jim Peterson, Trail Head Development Corp., explained he is <br />asking for a rezoning and preliminary plat approval of the entire <br />parcel (approx. 235 acres) so he can get his density. Peterson <br />indicated he would like to plat this in phases because the parcel <br />is too large for him to work at one time. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to approve the Preliminary Plat of <br />Stonegate subject to the Planning Commission's recommendations <br />and conditions as described in Mike Black's letter, dated <br />September 12, 1991 with the following changes: (Motion carried <br />5-0) <br />5. Park Land Dedication shall be the active park area plus <br />trail system shown on the preliminary plat, plus the land above <br />the OHWM at the SE corner of Goose Lake with the net requirement <br />to be satisfied by cash. <br />8. The City reserves the right to determine final length <br />and configuration of the street referred to as Jewel Avenue cul- <br />de-sac on the preliminary plat. <br />10. All other conditions on City Engineer Tom Prew's report <br />dated July 2, 1991 except seven street lights. However one <br />street light should be installed at the two intersections with <br />County Road 10. <br />