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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1991 PAGE2 <br />day and to promote safe travel through the area the road should <br />be four lanes from the freeway to east of Inwood Avenue. <br />Vehicle counts at the eastern edge of the proposed road <br />improvement is significantly lower. <br />Councilman Mottaz voiced his desire in saving the trees along <br />this road. He asked if the County had a policy for replacing any <br />trees they remove. <br />Councilman Hunt stated the city wants a road that meets our <br />needs, that does not restrict us, and is built for the future, <br />but the scope of the project may be too large. Especially <br />considering that Lake Elmo does not foresee any large development <br />at the eastern edge of the proposed road improvement. He failed <br />to see, at this point, the need to upgrade the road to this <br />level. <br />Councilman Williams felt it was a tremendous overkill and was not <br />a wise conservation of the land to put a 4-lane divided highway <br />through a wetland and a lake. <br />Dick Herold responded he was willing to consider modifying the <br />plan. They would look into grading the entire section and staging <br />the additional 2-lanes somewhere down the road. They will also <br />get a better handle on traffic projections. The Road improvement <br />requires approval by Lake Elmo and Oakdale before state funds can <br />be appropriated. <br />Steve DeLapp pointed out it is stated in the Comp Plan that <br />County Road 70 has the potential of becoming a route between West <br />Lakeland, Woodbury and Oakdale, paralleling the Freeway. The <br />City would oppose any proposal by the County to make this another <br />major east west thoroughfare like TH 5, which has proven to be <br />damaging to the cohesiveness of the city and the safety of the <br />residents. DeLapp encouraged the City Council to refer this plan <br />to the PZ to study because based on past history our County is <br />the only one in the entire Metro area, if not the state, that has <br />never applied for a variance from state rules to save trees such <br />as in Wayzata and Minnetonka. <br />No formal action was requested, they wanted to get the Council's <br />reaction. They will be going to the City of Oakdale now and then <br />back to the drawing board. This plan will come before the <br />Council again. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams - to refer the preliminary plan sheets and <br />aerial layout for CSAH 10 to the Planning Commission for their <br />review. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />