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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1991 PAGE3 <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Request by Robert Ziertman <br />Mr. Robert Ziertman owns 120 acres and would like to sell 4.135 <br />acres to Mr. Hermanson, an abutting property owner. The City does <br />not have a provision in the code which would allow this without <br />requiring Mr. Ziertman to plat the entire 120 acre parcel. <br />Administrator Kueffner pointed out the city has had several <br />requests for lot line adjustments that do not create a new lot <br />nor does it make any lot non -conforming. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Mottaz - to direct the staff to proceed with work on <br />preparing a change to our code that would allow for sale of <br />property without formal platting with the transfer of property <br />not resulting in either piece of property becoming non -conforming <br />thru the normal process to get this changed (this could be mailed <br />to the PZ in advance and ask for their review and comments which <br />could be brought to the Council table). (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Linder Greenhouse EAW <br />Linder's Greenhouse, located on 15th St, Northeast of Inwood <br />Avenue, has proposed an expansion of the existing greenhouses <br />adding a total of 382,200 sq.ft. of greenhouse and warehouse <br />product area. Development is anticipated over a 10-year period. <br />The Council previously decided that the proposed CUP amendment <br />for the Linder Greenhouse expansion required an EAW. This <br />document has been completed, and Mike Black recommended that the <br />City accept the EAW document and proceed accordingly. (See memo <br />dated October 9, 1991). <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to accept the EAW prepared by SEH for <br />the proposed Linder Greenhouse expansion and to direct the City <br />Administrator to do the following: <br />1. Sign page 14 of the EAW certifying acceptance of the <br />document. <br />2. Submit a press release to the local newspaper briefly <br />describing the project and the availability of the EAW document. <br />3. Distribute copies of the EAW to all public agencies on the <br />EAW distribution list. <br />4. Submit the EAW to the EQB office by October 21, 1991. <br />(Motion carried 5-0 Williams: While I voted for the motion, some <br />issues were raised by the information presented here that will <br />lead him to question the desirability of this project to proceed <br />as presented). <br />