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10-15-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-15-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1991 PAGE6 <br />C. Councilman Johnson <br />PZC Subcommittee on Economic Development: <br />Councilman Johnson read the following into record concerning the <br />matter of the PZC subcommittee on economic development and its <br />relationship to the Mayor's advisory committee: <br />1. The League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) Handbook makes it <br />abundantly clear that state law requires that authority for the <br />establishment of an official city advisory committee and the <br />appointment of the members of that committee rests with the full <br />council. <br />2 The LMC Handbook also states in Chapter 6, page 97 under the <br />heading of "Advisory Boards and Commissions" that "Some mayors <br />appoint these bodies informally to act as advisory groups without <br />official powers." It appears that there is precedent for the <br />mayors action and that his creation of a mayors advisory <br />committee is quite appropriate. However, the mayors advisory <br />committee is just that: "The Mayor's committee" and not an <br />official committee or commission of the City. <br />3. The City Council passed a motion on 9/3/91 that directs the <br />PZC to form a subcommittee that would deal with the issues of <br />economic development and as a part of the duties of the <br />subcommittee, act as liaison with the Mayor's committee. This <br />does not seem inappropriate, since it should be the obligation of <br />the PZC and the Council to listen to the recommendation of any <br />citizens group within the city, whether official or unofficial. <br />4. In my opinion, th PZC has the authority to establish any <br />subcommittee they wish to appoint to study any matter that is on <br />their council -approved work plan. Their subcommittee can consist <br />of the Commission -of -the -whole, a few selected members or members <br />plus other interested residents of the City. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Williams - to clarify the record, the mayor's <br />citizens advisory committee to study economic development in Lake <br />Elmo, appointed solely by Mayor Johnson, is not an official <br />committee/commission of the City and is not recognized by the <br />Council an as official committee. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Councilman Mottaz pointed out that the Mayor had made this fact <br />abundantly clear on several occasions during this process. <br />Update on Olson Lake Estates: <br />The subcommittee has not met because the VBWD chairman is waiting <br />for seepage results out of the pond before calling a meeting. <br />Nothing has been done --the plug is still in and there is no <br />further discussion on any downstream improvements. <br />
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