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10-15-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-15-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 15, 1991 PAGES <br />Mayor Johnson noted he did not feel confident that he got a good <br />hearing on this, and he did have standing simply by the fact that <br />he was Mayor of the City. He added, he still maintains this and <br />does believe he will appeal this and is looking for a attorney <br />now to review the entire file to -date and take it from there. <br />Councilman Mottaz added that the judge made part of his reasoning <br />on that hearing to allow Dave time to appeal. <br />Councilman Johnson pleaded with the Mayor to vacate his decision <br />to appeal for obvious reasons. <br />9. Harriett McPherson, Lake Elmo Airport Update <br />Rep. Harriett McPherson updated the Council with a map and a <br />letter stating MAC still wants to keep 3900 ft. airport runway in <br />the Master Plan. This was the main item the three surrounding <br />communities and the people that attended the Public Hearings <br />wanted out of the Master Plan. The MAC staff is going to <br />recommend to the Commissioners that 3900 ft. runway stay in the <br />Master Plan. This plan and recommendation will become before the <br />Environmental & Planning Committee approx. the first week of <br />December. Harriet asked that the Council get this information <br />out to the people thru our City's Newsletter and that a letter be <br />sent, signed by each council member, to the Commissioners. <br />The City Council asked the City Administrator to write a letter <br />which will be approved at the November 5th meeting, to the Met <br />Airport's Commission indicating the Council's concern on the <br />expansive runways. The updated information on the plan will be <br />inserted in the City's Newsletter <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Mayor Johnson: Heritage Preservation Committee <br />Councilman Williams explained that at a previous council meeting <br />he stated that the Pz had spent time in the past on working on a <br />historical preservation procedure and thought it was appropriate <br />for them to be given this assignment. He has since been informed <br />by a few members of the PZ that their work plan is full and they <br />would not be interested in undertaking this. Therefore, he could <br />support the concept of a separate committee, but had a concern on <br />what powers it is given. <br />An official form of the Heritage Preservation Commission <br />will be submitted for Council vote at the November 5th Council <br />meeting. <br />B. Councilman Hunt -No Report <br />
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