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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1991 2 <br />Finance Director Marilyn Banister explained that the following <br />sums of money be levied for the current year, collectible in <br />1992, upon the taxable property in the City of Lake Elmo, for the <br />following purposes: <br />General Fund $680,210 <br />Park Bond 65,000 <br />Landfill Referendum 50,000 <br />Equipment Certificate 61,063 <br />TOTAL LEVY $856,273 <br />Councilman Williams pointed out it was his understanding the <br />Council was being asked to approve the gross amount of the tax <br />levy on the budget and not specifically adopting this budget as a <br />series of line items. Banister responded that under the state <br />rules the Council can amend the budget anytime as long as they <br />stay within the gross amount. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams - to adopt Resolution No 91-39, A <br />Resolution Approving the Proposed 1991 Tax Levy, Collectible in <br />1992. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing at 8:13 p.m. <br />5. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Septic Systems in Old Village <br />At the November 5th meeting, Jim McNamara, Building Official, <br />provided a list of inadequate septic systems in the downtown area <br />of Lake Elmo. McNamara indicated his concern with these <br />properties is the lack of suitable land to accommodate a properly <br />designed septic system. The properties do not have land <br />available to accommodate an updated, legal septic system. <br />City Engineer, Tom Prew, provided a sketch plan of two <br />alternatives for an off -site drain field for the inadequate <br />septic systems in the Old Village. <br />The Council decided that before the City becomes involved any <br />further, the City should get an inquiry out to residents <br />indicating the City has already identified some failing systems <br />and are interested if there are other problems in the City. The <br />Council will address these problems after they receive the <br />responses from the citizens. <br />