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DATE APPROVED: 11-19-91 <br />DATE ISSUED: 11-29-91 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 5, 1991 <br />Mayor Johnson called the city council meeting to order at 7:03 <br />p.m. in the City Council chambers. Present: Mayor Johnson, Dick <br />Johnson, Mottaz, Williams, City Engineer Prew, City Attorney <br />Filla and Administrator Kueffner. Absent: Councilman Hunt. <br />1. AGENDA <br />Add: 6G. Munger Trail:Mike Bouthilet <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Mottaz - to approve the November 5, 1991 City <br />Council agenda as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. MINUTES: October 15, 1991 <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to approve the October 15, 1991 <br />City Council Minutes as amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Mottaz - to approve the November 5, 1991 <br />Claims #95389 thru #95469 as presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES: <br />Steve DeLapp inquired about two items: the proposed Stonegate <br />development which was recommended for approval by the PZ, are now <br />in court with the developer, and a private agreement being made <br />for cluster development. Currently the developer who had a <br />cluster development along the Oakdale border who has 93 acres <br />outstanding apparently has been negotiating privately with the <br />members of the City Council, or certainly the Mayor, about <br />getting a higher density which was stated in today's St. Paul <br />Pioneer Press. Bishop apparently is getting feedback from members <br />of the Council that he should go into a sewered development on a <br />deal with Oakdale we work out or he just go into Oakdale and do <br />it. <br />These two things going on in the backroom along with the <br />development that Dave Morgan, who was our former Mayor and on the <br />Board of Directors of the St. Croix Animal Shelter, told him <br />(Steve) that he was unable to consummate a deal for land that Joe <br />Rogers owns on Hwy 5 because the Mayor said "I can get a higher <br />price for you for industrial work". DeLapp indicated it was time <br />to start doing things in accordance with the city ordinances and <br />comp plan. The City Council should stand up and be alerted of <br />these things and let the people in Lake Elmo know what is going <br />on. We cannot have these backroom deals going on all the time. <br />