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11-05-91 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-05-91 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 5, 1991 2 <br />Mayor Johnson responded he has not talked to Don Bishop so it <br />{ would have been difficult to work a deal with him. We have on <br />record a cluster development that was agreed to by Mr. Bishop and <br />we will hold him to this cluster development. As far as the <br />Animal Shelter, I have no idea what Mr. Morgan is involved in and <br />have not had any dealings in negotiations with Joe Rogers. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Cimarron Park Evacuation Plan <br />The staff met with the Mayor, Fire Chief, both of our contract <br />deputies, Civil Defense Director Fran Pott, Cimarron Management <br />and one homeowner to discuss the evacuation plan for the park. A <br />draft plan was presented to the Council. <br />Discussion followed on the following concerns: routes of travel <br />not being very accessible, kinds of roads, ages of people who <br />reside in the park, and a less then reasonable distance from the <br />shelter to the park. <br />The Council made it very clear that this plan is only good for a <br />year and the shelters are going to be up in a year. <br />Attorney representing Cimarron responded he was in agreement with <br />the resolution as presented, except for the requirement of <br />shelters. He indicated it was his feeling that this is going <br />beyond what was anticipated tonight, and he did not have a full <br />opportunity to discuss this thoroughly with his client so he is <br />going on record objecting to this. He added this issue might be <br />suited for another meeting. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Williams - to approve an interim Cimarron Park <br />Severe Weather Emergency Procedure, as amended (Changes: Page 2: <br />Add as Item 4. WARNING PROCEDURE: Washington County be directed <br />to tone out the Lake Elmo Fire Department at the same time it <br />sounds the severe weather warning siren; Page 3, Item 5, 6th <br />line, change "may" to "shall", Paragraph 5 last sentence: to the <br />satisfaction of the City Attorney regarding liability by the <br />City.); contingent upon approval by School District 834. The <br />City Council determines that this plan is for an interim use only <br />and the Council determines that this plan does not offer adequate <br />protection for the Cimarron residents for the long term due to <br />the distance to the school. Park owners shall be required to have <br />shelters constructed within one year; the City shall assist in <br />applying for grants to contribute to the shelter construction. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Recodification Bids <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to award the bid to Sterling <br />Codifiers in the amount of $5500, plus shipping charges; <br />contingent upon the City Attorney approving the final contract. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />
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